diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd6766d4d0668b36d25565f5c9126ef3ca09592b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/pycharm
+# Edit at https://www.gitignore.io/?templates=pycharm
+### PyCharm ###
+# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
+# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839
+# User-specific stuff
+# Generated files
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# Sensitive or high-churn files
+# Gradle
+# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
+# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
+# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn.  Uncomment if using
+# auto-import.
+# .idea/modules.xml
+# .idea/*.iml
+# .idea/modules
+# *.iml
+# *.ipr
+# CMake
+# Mongo Explorer plugin
+# File-based project format
+# IntelliJ
+# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
+# JIRA plugin
+# Cursive Clojure plugin
+# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
+# Editor-based Rest Client
+# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
+### PyCharm Patch ###
+# Comment Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-215987721
+# *.iml
+# modules.xml
+# .idea/misc.xml
+# *.ipr
+# Sonarlint plugin
+# SonarQube Plugin
+# Markdown Navigator plugin
+# End of https://www.gitignore.io/api/pycharm
diff --git a/compareknockout.py b/compareknockout.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9fc8418950e63590db27a02f98c92e86791824..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/compareknockout.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-from itertools import islice
-import argparse
-from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
-description = ("Compares WT flux bounds to KO flux bounds for each reaction, from a csv file\n")
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
-parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", help="input csv file")
-# parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="name of output file", required=False)
-parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", help="threshold for comparison cutoff")
-parser.add_argument("-s", "--separator", help="separator for csv file")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-filename = args.input
-minneg = []
-maxneg = []
-minpos = []
-maxpos = []
-minko = []
-maxko = []
-minwt = []
-maxwt = []
-reactions = []
-reverse = False
-with open(filename, 'r') as f:
-    for line in islice(f, 0, None):
-        parts = line.split(args.separator)
-        if parts[1].startswith('minimum wt neg'):
-            reverse = True
-        if reverse:
-            minneg.append(parts[1])
-            maxneg.append(parts[2])
-            minpos.append(parts[3])
-            maxpos.append(parts[4])
-            minko.append(parts[5])
-            maxko.append(parts[6])
-        else:
-            minwt.append(parts[1])
-            maxwt.append(parts[2])
-            minko.append(parts[3])
-            maxko.append(parts[4])
-        reactions.append(parts[0])
-threshold = float(args.threshold)
-with open('compareKO_' + filename + '_results.txt', 'w') as outfile:
-    for i, r in enumerate(reactions):
-        if i != 0:  # Skip the first row (headers)
-            if not reverse:  # If not reverse: just print WT and KO flux bounds
-                if minwt[i] == '1.0' or maxwt[i] == '-1.0':  # Print the reaction(s) that have been forced into flux
-                    outfile.write(
-                        r + ': WT bounds: ' + minwt[i] + ' , ' + maxwt[i] + ' ¦ ' + 'KO bounds: ' + minko[i] + ' , ' +
-                        maxko[i])
-                else:  # Print the reaction(s) that are different in WT and KO by a threshold value
-                    if (abs(float(minwt[i]) - float(minko[i])) >= threshold) \
-                            or (abs(float(maxwt[i]) - float(maxko[i])) >= threshold):
-                        outfile.write(
-                            r + ': WT bounds: ' + minwt[i] + ' , ' + maxwt[i] + ' ¦ ' + 'KO bounds: ' + minko[
-                                i] + ' , ' + maxko[i])
-            else:  # If reverse: print positive and negative forced cases
-                if maxneg[i] == '-1.0' or minpos[i] == '1.0':
-                    if maxneg[i] == '-1.0':  # Reaction forced to go in the negative direction
-                        outfile.write(
-                            'negative: ' + r + ': WT bounds: ' + minneg[i] + ' , ' + maxneg[i] + ' ¦ ' + 'KO bounds: ' +
-                            minko[i] + ' , ' + maxko[i])
-                    if minpos[i] == '1.0':  # Reaction forced to go in the positive direction
-                        outfile.write(
-                            'positive: ' + r + ': WT bounds: ' + minpos[i] + ' , ' + maxpos[i] + ' ¦ ' + 'KO bounds: ' +
-                            minko[i] + ' , ' + maxko[i])
-                else:  # Print the reaction(s) that are different in WT (pos or neg) and KO by a threshold value
-                    if (abs(float(minneg[i]) - float(minko[i])) >= threshold) \
-                            or (abs(float(maxneg[i]) - float(maxko[i])) >= threshold):
-                        outfile.write(
-                            'negative: ' + r + ': WT bounds: ' + minneg[i] + ' , ' + maxneg[i] + ' ¦ ' + 'KO bounds: ' +
-                            minko[i] + ' , ' + maxko[i])
-                    if (abs(float(minpos[i]) - float(minko[i])) >= threshold) \
-                            or (abs(float(maxpos[i]) - float(maxko[i])) >= threshold):
-                        outfile.write(
-                            'positive: ' + r + ': WT bounds: ' + minpos[i] + ' , ' + maxpos[i] + ' ¦ ' + 'KO bounds: ' +
-                            minko[i] + ' , ' + maxko[i])
diff --git a/knockoutWT.py b/knockoutWT.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1999612664fd2aa00f13cfbb65a73dbc664b79..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/knockoutWT.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-import cobra
-from read_sbml_model_no_boundary_reactions import read_sbml_model
-from os.path import join
-from cobra.flux_analysis import flux_variability_analysis
-from copied import parse_legacy_sbml_notes
-import libsbml
-import pandas as pd
-from tabulate import tabulate
-cobra_config = cobra.Configuration()
-data_dir = "/mnt/c/Users/julie/Documents/Code/data"
-model = read_sbml_model(join(data_dir, "Recon2.2_Swainton2016_inf_manual.xml"))
-model.solver = 'cplex'
-# Link genes to reactions
-model_doc = libsbml.readSBML(join(data_dir, "Recon2.2_Swainton2016_inf_manual.xml"))
-sbml_model = model_doc.getModel()
-sbml_reactions = sbml_model.getListOfReactions()
-reaction_note_dict = {}
-for sbml_reaction in sbml_reactions:
-    reaction_note_dict[sbml_reaction.getId()] = parse_legacy_sbml_notes(sbml_reaction.getNotesString())
-for rxn in model.reactions:
-    rxn.notes = reaction_note_dict["R_" + rxn.id]
-for rxn in model.reactions:
-    rxn.gene_reaction_rule = str(rxn.notes['GENE ASSOCIATION'][0])
-# Remove all reactions that are blocked:
-blocked = cobra.flux_analysis.find_blocked_reactions(model)
-for r in blocked:
-    toRemove = model.reactions.get_by_id(r)
-    toRemove.remove_from_model()
-reaction_to_knockout = "3AIBTm"
-# 2HBO example of reversible
-# Create the model containing the KO:
-with model:  # The knockout will be reverted after leaving the "with"
-    model.reactions.get_by_id(reaction_to_knockout).knock_out()
-    fva_ko = flux_variability_analysis(model, fraction_of_optimum=0.9)
-    fva_ko.columns = ['minimum ko '+reaction_to_knockout, 'maximum ko '+reaction_to_knockout]
-# with open('reversible_reactions.txt', 'w') as out:
-#     for r in model.reactions:
-#         if r.reversibility:
-#             out.write(str(r)+'\n')
-#             out.write(str(r.bounds)+'\n')
-# Create the WT model, constraining the KO'd reaction's fluxes to 1 and/or -1:
-with model:
-    r = model.reactions.get_by_id(reaction_to_knockout)
-    if r.reversibility:  # Reversible = bounds = [-1000, 1000]
-        # Both directions need to be tested with a forced flux
-        # Reverse:
-        r.upper_bound = -1
-        # Bounds = [-1000, -1]
-        fva_wt_neg = flux_variability_analysis(model, fraction_of_optimum=0.9)
-        fva_wt_neg.columns = ['minimum wt neg' + reaction_to_knockout, 'maximum wt neg ' + reaction_to_knockout]
-        # Forward:
-        r.upper_bound = 1000
-        r.lower_bound = 1
-        # Bounds = [1, 1000]
-        fva_wt_pos = flux_variability_analysis(model, fraction_of_optimum=0.9)
-        fva_wt_pos.columns = ['minimum wt pos' + reaction_to_knockout, 'maximum wt pos ' + reaction_to_knockout]
-        data_to_write = pd.concat([fva_wt_neg, fva_wt_pos, fva_ko], axis=1)
-    else:  # If not reversible:
-        if r.bounds[1] == 0:  # If upper bound is 0: reaction needs to be constrained to -1
-            r.upper_bound = -1
-        elif r.bounds[0] == 0:  # Otherwise, constrained to 1
-            r.lower_bound = 1
-        fva_wt = flux_variability_analysis(model, fraction_of_optimum=0.9)
-        fva_wt.columns = ['minimum wt ' + reaction_to_knockout, 'maximum wt ' + reaction_to_knockout]
-    data_to_write = pd.concat([fva_wt, fva_ko], axis=1)
-# print(tabulate(data_to_write, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
-data_to_write.to_csv("recon2v2_FVA_"+reaction_to_knockout+"_blocked.csv", sep=',')
diff --git a/knockoutWTshlomirep.py b/knockoutWTshlomirep.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f4f8d598e87174bbbe511027dd97c2d05e4c428..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/knockoutWTshlomirep.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-import cobra
-from read_sbml_model_no_boundary_reactions import read_sbml_model
-from os.path import join
-from cobra.flux_analysis import flux_variability_analysis
-import pandas as pd
-from findBiomarkers import uniteForwBack, predictBiomarkers, genTable
-data_dir = "C:/Users/julie/Documents/Code/data"
-results_dir = "C:/Users/julie/Documents/results/knockouts"
-# model2 = cobra.io.load_json_model(join(data_dir, "RECON1.json"))
-model = read_sbml_model(join(data_dir, "Recon2.2_Swainton2016_inf_manual.xml"))
-model.solver = 'cplex'
-fraction_opt = 0
-eps = 10
-threshold = 0.1
-always_unite = False
-mode = ''
-proc = 1
-# Remove blocked reactions (reactions with 0 flux)
-blocked = cobra.flux_analysis.find_blocked_reactions(model, processes=proc)
-# Recon1:
-# blocked2 = cobra.flux_analysis.find_blocked_reactions(model2, processes=proc)
-for r in blocked:
-    toRemove = model.reactions.get_by_id(r)
-    toRemove.remove_from_model()
-# Set the exchange reaction bounds
-exchange_reactions = model.exchanges
-for rxn in exchange_reactions:
-    rxn.lower_bound = -10
-for rxn in exchange_reactions:
-    rxn.upper_bound = 1000
-# Fix name errors
-for r in model.reactions:
-    if '_LPAREN_' in r.id:
-        s = r.id.replace('_LPAREN', '')
-        s = s.replace('_RPAREN_', '')
-        r.id = s
-# recon1:
-# essentialAA = ['EX_his__L_e','EX_ile__L_e','EX_leu__L_e','EX_lys__L_e','EX_met__L_e','EX_phe__L_e','EX_thr__L_e','EX_trp__L_e','EX_val__L_e']
-# nonEssentialAA = ['EX_cys__L_e','EX_glu__L_e','EX_tyr__L_e','EX_ala__L_e','EX_asp__L_e','EX_gly_e','EX_arg__L_e','EX_gln__L_e','EX_pro__L_e','EX_ser__L_e','EX_asn__L_e']
-# Create the list of exchange reactions to be analysed:
-# recon2v2:
-essentialAA = ['EX_his_L_e', 'EX_ile_L_e', 'EX_leu_L_e', 'EX_lys_L_e', 'EX_met_L_e', 'EX_phe_L_e',
-               'EX_thr_L_e', 'EX_trp_L_e', 'EX_val_L_e']
-nonEssentialAA = ['EX_cys_L_e', 'EX_glu_L_e', 'EX_tyr_L_e', 'EX_ala_L_e', 'EX_asp_L_e', 'EX_gly_e',
-                  'EX_arg_L_e', 'EX_gln_L_e', 'EX_pro_L_e', 'EX_ser_L_e', 'EX_asn_L_e']
-rxnsOfInterest = [essentialAA, nonEssentialAA]
-rxnsOfInterest = [item for sublist in rxnsOfInterest for item in sublist]
-rxnsOfInterest = [model.reactions.get_by_id(ID) for ID in rxnsOfInterest]
-# recon 1:
-# exchanges = [ rxn for rxn in model2.reactions if len(rxn.products) == 0]
-# for rxn in exchanges:
-#     rxn.lower_bound = -10
-# for rxn in exchanges:
-#     rxn.upper_bound = 1000
-# Forcing a blocked reaction to have flux results in an infeasible error:
-# with model:
-#     print(model.reactions.get_by_id("SEAHCYSHYD").lower_bound)
-#     model.reactions.get_by_id("SEAHCYSHYD").lower_bound = 0.5
-#     print(model.reactions.get_by_id("SEAHCYSHYD").lower_bound)
-#     blocked_test = flux_variability_analysis(model, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-#                                     processes=proc)
-# Create the list of reaction(s) to KO:
-reactions_ids_to_knockout = ["GCC2am", "GCC2bim", "GCC2cm", "GCCam", "GCCbim", "GCCcm"]
-# ["PHETHPTOX2", "r0399"]
-reactions_to_knockout = []
-for ID in reactions_ids_to_knockout:
-    reactions_to_knockout.append(model.reactions.get_by_id(ID))
-# 'PPOR' in blocked
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are forced forward:
-WTf = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are forced backward:
-WTb = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are KO'd:
-mutant = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-with model:
-    M = model.copy()
-    # Forward: change the bounds to force a forward flux in the reactions that go forward or are reversible:
-    for rxn in reactions_to_knockout:
-        if rxn.upper_bound > 0:  # [0, 1000] or [-1000, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = eps / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Bounds will be similar to [1, 1000]
-        elif rxn.upper_bound == 0:  # [-1000, 0]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).upper_bound = -eps / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Also force backward reactions if there are any => [-1000, -1]
-    WTf = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                    processes=proc)
-    # Backward: change the bounds to force a backward flux in the reactions that go backward or are reversible:
-    M = model.copy()  # reset bounds
-    for rxn in reactions_to_knockout:
-        if rxn.lower_bound < 0:  # [-1000, 0] or [-1000, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = -eps / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Bounds will be similar to [-1000, -1]
-        elif rxn.lower_bound == 0:  # [0, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = eps / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Also force forward reactions if there are any => [1, 1000]
-    WTb = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                    processes=proc)
-    # Disease case (mutant)
-    M = model.copy()  # reset bounds
-    for rxn in reactions_to_knockout:  # KO reactions by setting the bounds to 0
-        M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).upper_bound = 0
-    mutant = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                       processes=proc)
-# Set the WT fluxes as the WTf ones, and extend the boundaries using WTb if necessary
-# Shlomi et al. did not do this: they kept WTf as WT, unless WTf = [0,0]
-WTunion = pd.DataFrame(columns=WTf.columns)
-for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-    r = rxn.id
-    if always_unite:
-        WTunion.loc[r] = WTf.loc[r]
-        if WTb.loc[r]['minimum'] < WTf.loc[r]['minimum']:
-            WTunion.loc[r]['minimum'] = WTb.loc[r]['minimum']
-        if WTb.loc[r]['maximum'] > WTf.loc[r]['maximum']:
-            WTunion.loc[r]['maximum'] = WTb.loc[r]['maximum']
-    else:
-        if WTf.loc[rxn.id]["minimum"] == WTf.loc[rxn.id]["maximum"] == 0:
-            WTunion.loc[rxn.id] = WTb.loc[rxn.id]
-        else:
-            WTunion.loc[rxn.id] = WTf.loc[rxn.id]
-WTint = {}
-mutantint = {}
-if len(WTunion) != 0 and len(mutant) != 0:
-    for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-        r = rxn.id
-        WTint[r] = [round(WTunion.loc[r]["minimum"], 3), round(WTunion.loc[r]["maximum"], 3)]
-        mutantint[r] = [round(mutant.loc[r]["minimum"], 3), round(mutant.loc[r]["maximum"], 3)]
-score = {}
-for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-    lb = [WTint[rxn.id][0], mutantint[rxn.id][0]]
-    ub = [WTint[rxn.id][1], mutantint[rxn.id][1]]
-    if lb == [0, 0]:
-        change_lower_bound = 0
-    else:
-        change_lower_bound = abs(max(lb) - min(lb)) / max([abs(el) for el in lb])
-    if ub == [0, 0]:
-        change_upper_bound = 0
-    else:
-        change_upper_bound = abs(max(ub) - min(ub)) / max([abs(el) for el in ub])
-    score[rxnsOfInterest.index(rxn)] = max(change_lower_bound, change_upper_bound)
-with open(join(results_dir, "exchange_reactions_fluxes_10_recon2v2_eps_10_"+reactions_ids_to_knockout[0]+".csv"), 'w') as out:
-    out.write(',minimum WT,maximum WT,minimum KO,maximum KO,score\n')
-    for r in rxnsOfInterest:
-        out.write(str(r.id) + ',' + str(WTint[r.id][0]) + ',' + str(WTint[r.id][1]) + ',' + str(mutantint[r.id][0]) +
-                  ',' + str(mutantint[r.id][1]) + ',' + str(score[rxnsOfInterest.index(r)]) + "\n")
-# [biomarkerRxns, biomarkers, score, extLvl] = predictBiomarkers(model, WTint, mutantint,
-#                                                                rxnsOfInterest, threshold)
-# biomarkerTable = genTable(biomarkers, biomarkerRxns, score, extLvl, WTint, mutantint,
-#                           threshold, synchronous=True, mode='')
-# print(('{} low confidence biomarkers with scores below the threshold were \
-#             found'.format(len(biomarkerTable[biomarkerTable.Score < threshold]))))
-# biomarkerTable = biomarkerTable.sort_values(by='Score', ascending=False)
-# significantBiomarkerTable = biomarkerTable[biomarkerTable.Score >= threshold]
-# # formatting
-# significantBiomarkerTable = significantBiomarkerTable.set_index(['ID'])
-# significantBiomarkerTable = significantBiomarkerTable[['Name', 'Prediction', 'WT',
-#                                                        'Mutant', 'Score']]
-# print(significantBiomarkerTable)
diff --git a/knockout_once.py b/knockout_once.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 567950734634d9d658da7dc4f101c0d5d20dec42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/knockout_once.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-import cobra
-from read_sbml_model_no_boundary_reactions import read_sbml_model
-from os.path import join
-from cobra.flux_analysis import flux_variability_analysis
-import pandas as pd
-import argparse
-from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
-import time
-description = "Calculates FVA results for a set of reactions (rxnsOfInterest) when another set of reactions " \
-              "(reactions_to_knockout) are knocked out\n"
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
-parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", help="SBML model")
-parser.add_argument("-k", "--knockoutReactions", help="List of reaction IDs to knockout")
-# parser.add_argument("-e", "--useExchanges", type=bool, default=True, help="When True, use model exchange reactions as "
-#                                                                           "rxnsOfInterest. When False, requires a list "
-#                                                                           "of reactions to measure.")
-parser.add_argument("-x", "--exchangeReactions", default=None, help="List of exchange reactions to measure fluxes for. "
-                                                                    "If empty, uses all exchange reactions from the "
-                                                                    "model.")
-parser.add_argument("-f", "--fractionOfOptimum", type=float, default=0, help="The percentage of the optimum objective "
-                                                                             "function to acheive")
-parser.add_argument("-E", "--epsilon", type=int, default=10, help="The flux value to force through the reactions to "
-                                                                  "knockout in the WT case")
-parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", type=float, default=0.1, help="Significativity threshold for flux change "
-                                                                       "between WT and KO conditions")
-parser.add_argument("-u", "--unite", type=bool, default=False, help="If True, unite the forward and backward WT flux "
-                                                                    "ranges. If False, use the forward ranges.")
-parser.add_argument("-p", "--processors", type=int, default=4, help="Number of processors to use")
-parser.add_argument("-s", "--separator", default='\t', help="Separator to use in output file")
-parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", help="Outfile path and name to write to")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-start_time = time.time()
-# if not args.useExchanges:
-#     if args.exchangeReactions is None:
-#         parser.error('Argument --exchangeReactions is required when --useExchanges is False.')
-# data_dir = "C:/Users/julie/Documents/Code/data"
-# results_dir = "C:/Users/julie/Documents/results/knockouts"
-# model = read_sbml_model(join(data_dir, "Recon2.2_Swainton2016_inf_manual.xml"))
-print("Importing model...")
-model = read_sbml_model(args.model)
-model.solver = 'cplex'
-fraction_opt = args.fractionOfOptimum
-eps = args.epsilon
-threshold = args.threshold
-always_unite = args.unite
-proc = args.processors
-sep = args.separator
-def printProgressBar(iteration, total, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=1, length=100, fill='â–ˆ', printEnd="\r"):
-    """
-    Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
-    @params:
-        iteration   - Required  : current iteration (Int)
-        total       - Required  : total iterations (Int)
-        prefix      - Optional  : prefix string (Str)
-        suffix      - Optional  : suffix string (Str)
-        decimals    - Optional  : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
-        length      - Optional  : character length of bar (Int)
-        fill        - Optional  : bar fill character (Str)
-        printEnd    - Optional  : end character (e.g. "\r", "\r\n") (Str)
-    """
-    percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
-    filledLength = int(length * iteration // total)
-    bar = fill * filledLength + '-' * (length - filledLength)
-    print('\r%s |%s| %s%% %s' % (prefix, bar, percent, suffix), end=printEnd)
-    # Print New Line on Complete
-    if iteration == total:
-        print()
-# Remove blocked reactions (reactions with 0 flux)
-print("Finding blocked reactions...")
-blocked = cobra.flux_analysis.find_blocked_reactions(model, processes=proc)
-printProgressBar(0, len(blocked), prefix='Removing blocked reactions:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
-for i,r in enumerate(blocked):
-    toRemove = model.reactions.get_by_id(r)
-    toRemove.remove_from_model()
-    printProgressBar(i+1, len(blocked), prefix='Removing blocked reactions:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
-# Fix name errors:
-for r in model.reactions:
-    if '_LPAREN_' in r.id:
-        s = r.id.replace('_LPAREN', '')
-        s = s.replace('_RPAREN_', '')
-        r.id = s
-# Set the exchange reaction bounds
-rxnsOfInterest = []
-if args.exchangeReactions is None:
-    rxnsOfInterest = model.exchanges
-    for r_ID in args.exchangeReactions:
-        rxnsOfInterest.append(model.exchanges.get_by_ID(r_ID))
-for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-    rxn.lower_bound = -10
-for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-    rxn.upper_bound = 1000
-# Create the list of reaction(s) to KO:
-reactions_ids_to_knockout = args.knockoutReactions.split()
-reactions_to_knockout = []
-for ID in reactions_ids_to_knockout:
-    reactions_to_knockout.append(model.reactions.get_by_id(ID))
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are forced forward:
-WTf = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are forced backward:
-WTb = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are KO'd:
-mutant = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-with model:
-    M = model.copy()
-    # Forward: change the bounds to force a forward flux in the reactions that go forward or are reversible:
-    for rxn in reactions_to_knockout:
-        if rxn.upper_bound > 0:  # [0, 1000] or [-1000, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = eps / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Bounds will be similar to [1, 1000]
-        elif rxn.upper_bound == 0:  # [-1000, 0]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).upper_bound = -eps / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Also force backward reactions if there are any => [-1000, -1]
-    print('Forward FVA...')
-    WTf = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                    processes=proc)
-    # Backward: change the bounds to force a backward flux in the reactions that go backward or are reversible:
-    M = model.copy()  # reset bounds
-    for rxn in reactions_to_knockout:
-        if rxn.lower_bound < 0:  # [-1000, 0] or [-1000, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = -eps / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Bounds will be similar to [-1000, -1]
-        elif rxn.lower_bound == 0:  # [0, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = eps / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Also force forward reactions if there are any => [1, 1000]
-    print('Backward FVA...')
-    WTb = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                    processes=proc)
-    # Disease case (mutant)
-    M = model.copy()  # reset bounds
-    for rxn in reactions_to_knockout:  # KO reactions by setting the bounds to 0
-        M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).upper_bound = 0
-    print('KO FVA...')
-    mutant = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                       processes=proc)
-# Set the WT fluxes as the WTf ones, and extend the boundaries using WTb if necessary (if always_unite == True)
-# Shlomi et al. did not do this: they kept WTf as WT, unless WTf = [0,0]
-WT = pd.DataFrame(columns=WTf.columns)
-for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-    r = rxn.id
-    if always_unite:
-        WT.loc[r] = WTf.loc[r]
-        if WTb.loc[r]['minimum'] < WTf.loc[r]['minimum']:
-            WT.loc[r]['minimum'] = WTb.loc[r]['minimum']
-        if WTb.loc[r]['maximum'] > WTf.loc[r]['maximum']:
-            WT.loc[r]['maximum'] = WTb.loc[r]['maximum']
-    else:
-        if WTf.loc[rxn.id]["minimum"] == WTf.loc[rxn.id]["maximum"] == 0:
-            WT.loc[rxn.id] = WTb.loc[rxn.id]
-        else:
-            WT.loc[rxn.id] = WTf.loc[rxn.id]
-WTint = {}
-mutantint = {}
-if len(WT) != 0 and len(mutant) != 0:
-    for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-        r = rxn.id
-        WTint[r] = [round(WT.loc[r]["minimum"], 3), round(WT.loc[r]["maximum"], 3)]
-        mutantint[r] = [round(mutant.loc[r]["minimum"], 3), round(mutant.loc[r]["maximum"], 3)]
-score = {}
-for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-    lb = [WTint[rxn.id][0], mutantint[rxn.id][0]]
-    ub = [WTint[rxn.id][1], mutantint[rxn.id][1]]
-    if lb == [0, 0]:
-        change_lower_bound = 0
-    else:
-        change_lower_bound = abs(max(lb) - min(lb)) / max([abs(el) for el in lb])
-    if ub == [0, 0]:
-        change_upper_bound = 0
-    else:
-        change_upper_bound = abs(max(ub) - min(ub)) / max([abs(el) for el in ub])
-    score[rxnsOfInterest.index(rxn.id)] = max(change_lower_bound, change_upper_bound)
-biomarkerRxns = [rxn for rxn in rxnsOfInterest if score[rxnsOfInterest.index(rxn)] > threshold]
-with open(args.outfile, 'w') as out:
-    out.write(sep + 'minimum WT' + sep + 'maximum WT' + sep + 'minimum KO' + sep + 'maximum KO' + sep + 'score\n')
-    for r in biomarkerRxns:
-        out.write(
-            str(next(iter(r.metabolites)).name) + sep + str(WTint[r.id][0]) + sep + str(WTint[r.id][1]) + sep + str(
-                mutantint[r.id][0]) +
-            sep + str(mutantint[r.id][1]) + sep + str(score[rxnsOfInterest.index(r)]) + "\n")
-elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
-print("Elapsed time: "+str(elapsed_time))
diff --git a/rscripts/create_table.R b/rscripts/create_table.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4a5d79eb7a4d686c4344890a8a491d11d5bea0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rscripts/create_table.R
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# data_flat = read.csv("~/results/server_all/final/test_table_3_factors.csv")
+data_flat = read.csv("~/results/server_all/new_ids/all_table_metab_ids2.csv")
+row.names(data_flat) = data_flat$Reaction.ID
+data_flat$Reaction.ID = NULL
+t = t(data_flat) # Transpose the table so that it's more readable on a screen
+# Remove reactions that have no metabolic change (for readability)
+t_clean = t[, colSums(t != 0) > 0]
+d_clean = data_flat[rowSums(data_flat != 0) > 0, ]
+# Density plots:
+# Size of metabolic profiles
+counts = (rowSums(data_flat != 0))
+plot(density(counts, from=0))
+counts_clean = (rowSums(d_clean != 0))
+hist(counts_clean, breaks = 15)
+counts_clean = data.frame(rowSums(d_clean != 0))
+ggplot(counts_clean, aes(x=counts_clean$rowSums.d_clean....0.)) + 
+  geom_density()
+# voir a quoi correspond le pic
+count_table = table(counts_clean)
+# Frequency plot
+# Number of occurrences per metabolite
+freq = (colSums(d_clean != 0))
+freq = data.frame(colSums(d_clean != 0))
+ggplot(freq, aes(x=freq$colSums.d_clean....0.)) + 
+  geom_density()
+# Number of red (reduced) and blue (elevated)
+occ = table(unlist(d_clean))
+#   -1      0      1 
+# 4358 856606  25260 
+# Ecriture dans un fichier sans clustering
+pheatmap(t, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = F, 
+         cluster_cols = F, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+         show_colnames =F, show_rownames= F, border_color = NA,
+         color = c("red","white","blue"), filename = "~/results/figures/size_test.pdf")
+# Clustering sur les metabolites uniquement
+pheatmap(t, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = F, 
+         cluster_cols = T, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+         show_colnames =F, show_rownames= F, border_color = NA,
+         color = c("red","white","blue"), filename = "~/results/figures/size_test.pdf")
+# Clustering sur les deux
+pheatmap(t, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = T, 
+         cluster_cols = T, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+         show_colnames =F, show_rownames= F, border_color = NA,
+         color = c("red","white","blue"), filename = "~/results/figures/size_test.pdf")
+# Clustering sur clean
+pheatmap(t_clean, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = T, 
+         cluster_cols = T, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+         show_colnames =F, show_rownames= F, border_color = NA,
+         color = c("red","white","blue"), filename = "~/results/figures/hierarch_clean_t.pdf")
+og_data = read.csv("~/results/server_all/final/all_fva_parallel_file_correct_3.csv")
+og_data = subset(og_data, select = c('Reaction.ID', 'Pathway'))
+row.names(og_data) = og_data$Reaction.ID
+og_data$Reaction.ID = NULL
+## Test data to get the colour annotation to work:
+# annot_test = data.frame(pathway = (og_data[,'Pathway']))
+# row.names(annot_test) = rownames(og_data)
+# colour_test = list(pathway = distinctColorPalette(length(unique(og_data[,'Pathway']))))
+# names(colour_test$pathway) = as.character(unique(og_data[,'Pathway']))
+# 30 most frequent pathways:
+best = data.frame(head(sort(table(og_data), decreasing = T), n = 31))
+best = best[-c(1),] # Remove empty pathway names
+# Filter the original data on the 30 most frequent:
+data_filter = og_data$Pathway[og_data$Pathway %in% best$og_data]
+row_filter = rownames(og_data)[og_data$Pathway %in% best$og_data]
+# Create the annotations
+annot_filt = data.frame(pathway = (data_filter))
+row.names(annot_filt) = row_filter
+# Create the colours for the annotations
+colour_filt = list(pathway = distinctColorPalette(length(unique(annot_filt[,'pathway']))))
+names(colour_filt$pathway) = as.character(unique(annot_filt[,'pathway']))
+clean = pheatmap(t_clean, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = T, 
+         cluster_cols = T, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+         show_colnames =F, show_rownames= F, border_color = NA,
+         color = c("red","white","blue"), annotation_col = annot_filt,
+         annotation_colors = colour_filt,
+         filename = "~/results/figures/hierarch_clean_t_annot_col_best.pdf")
+# Group pathways by category (ex: amino acid pathways) and by compartment
+path_cat = read.csv("~/results/pathway_names_best.csv")
+comp_cat = read.csv("~/results/comparments.csv")
+colour_cat = list(pathway = as.character(path_cat$Colour), compartment = as.character(comp_cat$Colour))
+names(colour_cat$pathway) = as.character(path_cat$Pathway)
+names(colour_cat$compartment) = as.character(comp_cat$Compartment)
+pheatmap(t_clean, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = T, 
+         cluster_cols = T, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+         show_colnames =F, show_rownames= F, border_color = NA,
+         color = c("red","white","blue"), annotation_col = annot_filt,
+         annotation_colors = colour_cat,
+         filename = "~/results/figures/hierarch_clean_t_annot_col_cat_colour.pdf")
+# Reaction compartments:
+rxn_comp = read.csv("~/results/server_all/new_ids/rxn_compartments.csv", header = F)
+annot_comp = rxn_comp
+rownames(annot_comp) = rxn_comp$V1
+annot_comp$V1 = NULL
+merged = merge(annot_filt, annot_comp, by=0, all = T)
+rownames(merged) = merged$Row.names
+merged$Row.names = NULL
+colnames(merged) = c('pathway', 'compartment')
+pheatmap(t_clean, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = T,
+        cluster_cols = T, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+        show_colnames =F, show_rownames=F, border_color = NA,
+        color = c("red","white","blue"), annotation_col = merged,
+        fontsize_col = 1, annotation_colors = colour_cat,
+        filename = "~/results/figures/hierarch_clean_t_annot_both.pdf")
+# Metabolite compartments:
+# metab_comp = read.csv("~/results/server_all/new_ids/metab_compartments.csv", header = F)
+# annot_comp = metab_comp
+# rownames(annot_comp) = metab_comp$V1
+# annot_comp$V1 = NULL
+# pheatmap(t_clean, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = T, 
+#          cluster_cols = T, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+#          show_colnames =F, show_rownames= T, border_color = NA,
+#          color = c("red","white","blue"), annotation_col = annot_filt,
+#          annotation_colors = colour_cat, annotation_row = annot_comp,
+#          fontsize_row = 1,
+#          filename = "~/results/figures/hierarch_clean_t_annot_col_cat_colour_comp2.pdf")
+# Simple dendrogram
+hclu = clean$tree_col
+clusters = cutree(hclu, k=11)
+plot(hclu, labels = F)
+cl_data =  data.frame(clusters)
+clu_8 = rownames(cl_data)[cl_data$clusters == 8]
+k = 11
+palette <- distinctColorPalette(k)
+# Dendrogram with coloured branches
+dend <- as.dendrogram(hclu)
+dend <- color_branches(dend, k = k, col = palette)
+plot(dend, leaflab = "none")
+write.csv(best$og_data, "~/results/pathway_names_best.csv", row.names = F)
+# K means clustering using pheatmap
+k = 15
+kmeans.res = pheatmap(d_clean, display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = T, 
+                 cluster_cols = T, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1, legend =F,
+                 show_colnames =F, show_rownames= F, border_color = NA,
+                 color = c("red","white","blue"), kmeans_k = k)
+                 #filename = "~/results/figures/kmeans_heatmap30.pdf" )
+# PCAs:
+acp1 = dudi.pca(df = d_clean, scale = F, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)
+acp3d = dudi.pca(df = d_clean, scale = F, scannf = FALSE, nf = 3)
+# Eigen values:
+# 2D simple plot:
+# Different kmeans function:
+clusterk = kmeans(d_clean, k)
+# Set up distinct colours (for the number of clusters)
+colour_list = c("#73d34c", "#683fbd", "#cccb4b", "#c854c4", "#71d397", "#bc4776", "#57783b", "#6675bc", "#c28142", "#4b274f", "#c7c297", "#c34639", "#79b8c5", "#51473b", "#cb9bbc")
+palette <- distinctColorPalette(k)
+colour_list = palette
+# Create 2D PCA plot with clusters as colours
+# Pheatmap kmeans:
+par(xpd = T, mar = par()$mar + c(0,0,0,6))
+plot(acp1$li,col=colour_list[kmeans.res$kmeans$cluster], pch=16)
+legend(15,5, xpd=T, legend = sort(unique(kmeans.res$kmeans$cluster)),pch=16, col = colour_list[sort(unique(kmeans.res$kmeans$cluster))])
+# kmeans:
+par(xpd = T, mar = par()$mar + c(0,0,0,6))
+plot(acp1$li,col=colour_list[clusterk$cluster], pch=16)
+legend(15,5, xpd=T, legend = sort(unique(clusterk$cluster)),pch=16, col = colour_list[sort(unique(clusterk$cluster))])
+# 3D plots:
+plot3d(acp3d$li, col=colour_list[kmeans.res$kmeans$cluster])
+legend3d("right",legend = sort(unique(kmeans.res$kmeans$cluster)),pch=16, col = colour_list[sort(unique(kmeans.res$kmeans$cluster))])
+plot3d(acp3d$li, col=colour_list[clusterk$cluster])
+legend3d("right",legend = sort(unique(clusterk$cluster)),pch=16, col = colour_list[sort(unique(clusterk$cluster))])
+# 3D plots with ellipses (not great)
+pca1 = princomp(d_clean)
+cl = kmeans.res$kmeans$cluster
+pca3d(pca1, show.ellipses = T, group = clusterk$cluster)
+pca3d(pca1, show.ellipses = T, group = cl)
+for (i in 1:360) {
+  view3d(userMatrix=rotationMatrix(2*pi * i/360, 0, 1, 0))
+  rgl.snapshot(filename=paste("animation_merge/frame-",
+                              sprintf("%03d", i), ".png", sep=""))}
+# use an image processing tool called Fiji. File > Import > Image Sequence. 
+# Then. Image > type > 8-bit color. Then. File >Save as > Animated gif.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/.gitignore b/scripts/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a358a9f00bf21711fc6e2ed85795e6c6a56f23d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/pycharm
+# Edit at https://www.gitignore.io/?templates=pycharm
+### PyCharm ###
+# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
+# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839
+# User-specific stuff
+# Generated files
+# Sensitive or high-churn files
+# Gradle
+# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
+# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
+# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn.  Uncomment if using
+# auto-import.
+# .idea/modules.xml
+# .idea/*.iml
+# .idea/modules
+# *.iml
+# *.ipr
+# CMake
+# Mongo Explorer plugin
+# File-based project format
+# IntelliJ
+# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
+# JIRA plugin
+# Cursive Clojure plugin
+# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
+# Editor-based Rest Client
+# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
+### PyCharm Patch ###
+# Comment Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-215987721
+# *.iml
+# modules.xml
+# .idea/misc.xml
+# *.ipr
+# Sonarlint plugin
+# SonarQube Plugin
+# Markdown Navigator plugin
+# End of https://www.gitignore.io/api/pycharm
diff --git a/scripts/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml b/scripts/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..105ce2da2d6447d11dfe32bfb846c3d5b199fc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
+  <settings>
+    <option name="USE_PROJECT_PROFILE" value="false" />
+    <version value="1.0" />
+  </settings>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/.idea/misc.xml b/scripts/.idea/misc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5baaed75e913357615c25ad85065b9c4913e5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" project-jdk-name="Python 3.6 (py36)" project-jdk-type="Python SDK" />
+  <component name="PythonCompatibilityInspectionAdvertiser">
+    <option name="version" value="3" />
+  </component>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb83e262159915cb1ea30b748c3123878bf4c341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/.idea/modules.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
+    <modules>
+      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/scripts.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/scripts.iml" />
+    </modules>
+  </component>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/.idea/scripts.iml b/scripts/.idea/scripts.iml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a432702dace32d032fb97c9d627458d5655e5360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/.idea/scripts.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<module type="PYTHON_MODULE" version="4">
+  <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
+    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" />
+    <orderEntry type="jdk" jdkName="Python 3.6 (py36)" jdkType="Python SDK" />
+    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+  </component>
+  <component name="PyDocumentationSettings">
+    <option name="format" value="PLAIN" />
+    <option name="myDocStringFormat" value="Plain" />
+  </component>
+  <component name="TestRunnerService">
+    <option name="PROJECT_TEST_RUNNER" value="pytest" />
+  </component>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/.idea/vcs.xml b/scripts/.idea/vcs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c0b8635858dc7ad44b93df54b762707ce49eefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/.idea/vcs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
+    <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/.." vcs="Git" />
+  </component>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/.ipynb_checkpoints/Untitled-checkpoint.ipynb b/scripts/.ipynb_checkpoints/Untitled-checkpoint.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fd64429bf421126b7000c94ce0f6fd186fbd01f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/.ipynb_checkpoints/Untitled-checkpoint.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "cells": [],
+ "metadata": {},
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/scripts/copied.py b/scripts/copied.py
index 137109ca70c14ab7352f284a328232590448fd67..4776122e98136b92f4829f8395a0cb11d38438e3 100644
--- a/scripts/copied.py
+++ b/scripts/copied.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Functions copied from various sources
 # Taken from unimplemented (?) cobrapy code:
 def parse_legacy_sbml_notes(note_string, note_delimiter=':'):
     """Deal with various legacy SBML format issues.
diff --git a/scripts/create_KO_lists.py b/scripts/create_KO_lists.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e72855bfa063d5fbd085e2df051322dbbef5b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/create_KO_lists.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# From a SBML model, create a list of KO reaction IDs (excluding transport reactions and exchange reactions)
+import argparse
+from copied import printProgressBar
+from knockout_fva import remove_blocked_reactions
+from read_sbml_model_no_boundary_reactions import read_sbml_model
+import cobra
+description = "Splits all the reactions, apart from transport and exchange, into the chosen number of files."
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", help="Metabolic model")
+parser.add_argument("-n", "--number_of_outfiles", type=int, help="The number of IDs per file.")
+parser.add_argument('-b', '--progressbar', action='store_true', help="Use this flag to show the progress bar in "
+                                                                     "the console")
+parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfileprefix", help="File path and file prefix of outfile names")
+parser.add_argument("-p", "--processors", type=int, help="Number of processors")
+parser.add_argument("-c", "--cleanSBML", action='store_true',
+                        help="Use this flag to clean up the SBML file: imports using modified cobrapy "
+                             "function, removes blocked reactions, links the NOTES section correctly, "
+                             "links the subsystem from NOTES to the subsystem in the reaction object, "
+                             "fixes name errors: _LPAREN_ _RPAREN_ instead of ( ).")
+parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputformat', default='sbml', choices=['sbml', 'json'], help="Input file format.")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+def chunks(lst, n):
+    """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst."""
+    for j in range(0, len(lst), n):
+        yield lst[j:j + n]
+if args.inputformat == 'sbml':
+    model = read_sbml_model(args.model)
+elif args.inputformat == 'json':
+    model = cobra.io.load_json_model(args.model)
+model.solver = 'cplex'
+if args.cleanSBML:
+    print("Removing blocked reactions...")
+    remove_blocked_reactions(model, args.processors, args.progressbar)
+reactions_ids_to_knockout = []
+if args.progressbar:
+    printProgressBar(0, len(model.reactions), prefix='Adding KO reactions:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
+    print("Adding all KO reaction IDs...")
+for i, rxn in enumerate(model.reactions):
+    # This may miss un-annotated transport reactions but it removes a good number of transport reactions
+    if not rxn.subsystem.startswith("Transport,"):
+        if rxn not in model.exchanges:
+            reactions_ids_to_knockout.append(rxn.id)
+    if args.progressbar:
+        printProgressBar(i + 1, len(model.reactions), prefix='Adding KO reactions:', suffix='Complete',
+                         length=50)
+print("Writing to files...")
+ko_chunks = list(chunks(reactions_ids_to_knockout, args.number_of_outfiles))
+for i, ch in enumerate(ko_chunks):
+    with open(str(args.outfileprefix)+str(i)+".txt", 'w') as chunk_out:
+        for r_id in ch:
+            chunk_out.write(str(r_id)+"\n")
diff --git a/scripts/create_table.py b/scripts/create_table.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53ab228999462e8642dc488052a5547d8e3e85b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/create_table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+import sys
+import pandas as pd
+import argparse
+from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
+import time
+import re
+def unique(L):
+    seen = set()
+    for item in L:
+        if item not in seen:
+            seen.add(item)
+            yield item
+description = "Imports a FVA csv results file and makes a coloured table png.\n"
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", help="Input csv table filename")
+parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output filename prefix")
+parser.add_argument("-s", "--shlomi", action="store_true", help="Use this flag to recreate Shlomi's table")
+parser.add_argument("-r", "--recon", choices=['recon1', 'recon2v2'], help="Recon version")
+parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", choices=['html', 'png'], default='html', help="Output file format")
+parser.add_argument("-n", "--names", action="store_true", help="Use this flag to show the metabolite names")
+parser.add_argument("-c", "--colours", action="store_true", help="Use this flag to use different colours for (++) or "
+                                                                 "(+) etc.")
+parser.add_argument("-w", "--writedata", action="store_true", help="Use this flag to write the data table to csv")
+parser.add_argument("-W", "--onlywritedata", action="store_true", help="Use this flag to write the data table to csv, "
+                                                                       "and not output a png or html file")
+parser.add_argument("-u", "--uniqueids", action="store_true", help="Use this flag to use and write unique IDs instead "
+                                                                   "of names")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.format == 'png':
+    import imgkit
+    from xvfbwrapper import Xvfb
+start_time = time.time()
+in_table = pd.read_csv(args.input)
+all_biomarkers = []
+if not args.shlomi:
+    for bm in in_table['Biomarkers'][in_table['Biomarkers'].notnull()]:
+        only_names = []
+        if not args.uniqueids:
+            # Split based on (+) or (++) or (-) or (--) or (?)
+            temp = re.split(r"( \([+-?]{1,2}\))", bm)
+            # Fix parsing:
+            for i in range(len(temp)):
+                if temp[i].startswith(', '):
+                    temp[i] = temp[i][2:]
+            for i in range(len(temp)):
+                if not temp[i].startswith(' ') and temp[i] != '':
+                    only_names.append(temp[i])
+        else:
+            temp = bm.split('; ')
+            for item in temp:
+                only_names.append(item.split(' # ')[0])
+        all_biomarkers.append(only_names)
+    # Split all the biomarkers:
+    # if not args.uniqueids:
+    all_biomarkers_split = [item for sublist in all_biomarkers for item in sublist]
+    all_biomarkers_split[:] = unique(all_biomarkers_split)
+    # else:
+    #     all_biomarkers_split = all_biomarkers
+    #     # print(all_biomarkers)
+    # This list of biomarkers will become the column names for the final table
+    all_biomarkers_split = ['L-Arginine', 'L-Leucine', 'L-Phenylalanine', 'L-Cysteine', 'L-Glutamine', 'L-Serine',
+                            'L-Asparagine', 'L-Tryptophan', 'L-Proline', 'L-Threonine', 'L-Aspartate', 'Glycine',
+                            'L-Glutamate', 'L-Isoleucine', 'L-Lysine', 'L-Valine', 'L-Methionine', 'L-Tyrosine',
+                            'L-Alanine', 'L-Histidine']
+data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Reaction ID', 'Biomarkers'] + all_biomarkers_split)
+data['Reaction ID'], data['Biomarkers'] = in_table['Reaction ID'], in_table['Biomarkers']
+data.set_index('Reaction ID', inplace=True)
+for rxn, row in data.iterrows():
+    bm_list = []
+    if type(data.loc[[rxn], ['Biomarkers']].values[0][0]) != float:
+        if not args.uniqueids:
+            bm_list = re.split(r"( \([+-?]{1,2}\)(?!\-))", data.loc[[rxn], ['Biomarkers']].values[0][0])
+            bm_list = [''.join(x) for x in zip(bm_list[0::2], bm_list[1::2])]
+            for i in range(len(bm_list)):
+                if bm_list[i].startswith(', '):
+                    bm_list[i] = bm_list[i][2:]
+        else:
+            bm_list = (data.loc[[rxn], ['Biomarkers']].values[0][0]).split('; ')
+        # bm_list = [item for sublist in bm_list for item in sublist]
+        # print(bm_list)
+    else:
+        bm_list = ['']
+    change_list = []
+    for i, bm in enumerate(bm_list):
+        if bm != '':
+            if not args.uniqueids:
+                if bm.endswith('(-)') or bm.endswith('(+)') or bm.endswith('(?)'):
+                    if bm.endswith('(-)'):
+                        change_list.append("-1")
+                    elif bm.endswith('(+)'):
+                        change_list.append("+1")
+                    else:
+                        change_list.append('00')
+                    bm_list[i] = bm[:-4]
+                else:  # Can be equal to (--) or (++)
+                    if bm.endswith('(--)'):
+                        change_list.append("-1")
+                    elif bm.endswith('(++)'):
+                        change_list.append("+1")
+                    bm_list[i] = bm[:-5]
+            else:
+                bm_list[i] = bm.split(' # ')[0]
+                if (bm.split(' # ')[1]) == '(-)':
+                    change_list.append("-1")
+                elif (bm.split(' # ')[1]) == '(+)':
+                    change_list.append("+1")
+                # Can be equal to (--) or (++)
+                elif (bm.split(' # ')[1]) == '(--)':
+                    change_list.append("-1")
+                elif (bm.split(' # ')[1]) == '(++)':
+                    change_list.append("+1")
+                else:
+                    change_list.append('00')
+    # print('start')
+    # print(bm_list[1:2])
+    # print('end')
+    for i, bm in enumerate(bm_list):
+        if bm != '':
+            for column in data.columns[1:]:
+                if column.casefold() == bm.casefold():
+                    data.at[rxn, column] = change_list[i]
+data.drop('Biomarkers', 1, inplace=True)
+data.fillna("00", inplace=True)
+if args.shlomi:
+    # data.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
+    data.columns = ['Arg', 'Leu', 'Phe', 'Cys', 'Gln', 'Ser',
+                    'Asn', 'Trp', 'Pro', 'Thr', 'Asp', 'Gly',
+                    'Glu', 'Iso', 'Lys', 'Val', 'Met', 'Tyr',
+                    'Ala', 'His']
+# Add conditional background colours:
+if args.colours:
+    def background_function(s):
+        colors = {"-1": '#ff5c5c', "-2": '##de2a2a', "+1": '#547bf0', "+2": '#254aba'}
+        return data.applymap(lambda val: 'background-color: {}'.format(colors.get(val, '')))
+    def background_function(s):
+        colors = {"-1": '#FF4E4E', "-2": '#FF4E4E', "+1": '#4169E1', "+2": '#4169E1'}
+        return data.applymap(lambda val: 'background-color: {}'.format(colors.get(val, '')))
+def text_colour(s):
+    return ['color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' for v in s]
+omim = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(data)
+if args.shlomi:
+    if args.recon == 'recon1':
+        omim.loc['AHCi', 'Met'] = omim.loc['HGNTOR', 'Tyr'] = omim.loc['ARGN', 'Arg'] = \
+            omim.loc['CYSTSERex SERLYSNaex', 'Arg'] = omim.loc['CYSTSERex SERLYSNaex', 'Lys'] = \
+            omim.loc['SERLYSNaex', 'Arg'] = omim.loc['SERLYSNaex', 'Lys'] = omim.loc['FTCD GluForTx', 'His'] = \
+            omim.loc['HISDr', 'His'] = omim.loc['CYSTS MTHFR3 METS', 'Met'] = omim.loc['PRO1xm PROD2m', 'Pro'] = \
+            omim.loc['OIVD2m OIVD1m OIVD3m', 'Leu'] = omim.loc['OIVD2m OIVD1m OIVD3m', 'Iso'] = \
+            omim.loc['OIVD2m OIVD1m OIVD3m', 'Val'] = omim.loc['METAT', 'Met'] = omim.loc['MMMm', 'Gly'] = \
+            omim.loc['PHETHPTOX2', 'Phe'] = omim.loc['DHPR', 'Phe'] = omim.loc['FUMAC', 'Met'] = \
+            omim.loc['FUMAC', 'Tyr'] = omim.loc['34HPPOR', 'Tyr'] = \
+            omim.loc['GCC2am GCC2bim GCC2cm GCCam GCCbim GCCcm', 'Gly'] = '+'
+        omim.loc['PHETHPTOX2', 'Tyr'] = '-'
+    elif args.recon == 'recon2v2':
+        omim.loc['AHC', 'Met'] = omim.loc['HGNTOR', 'Tyr'] = omim.loc['ARGN', 'Arg'] = \
+            omim.loc['CYSTSERex SERLYSNaex', 'Arg'] = omim.loc['CYSTSERex SERLYSNaex', 'Lys'] = \
+            omim.loc['SERLYSNaex', 'Arg'] = omim.loc['SERLYSNaex', 'Lys'] = omim.loc['FTCD GluForTx', 'His'] = \
+            omim.loc['HISD', 'His'] = omim.loc['CYSTS MTHFR3 METS', 'Met'] = omim.loc['PRO1xm PROD2m', 'Pro'] = \
+            omim.loc['OIVD2m OIVD1m OIVD3m', 'Leu'] = omim.loc['OIVD2m OIVD1m OIVD3m', 'Iso'] = \
+            omim.loc['OIVD2m OIVD1m OIVD3m', 'Val'] = omim.loc['METAT', 'Met'] = omim.loc['MMMm', 'Gly'] = \
+            omim.loc['PHETHPTOX2 r0399', 'Phe'] = omim.loc['DHPR', 'Phe'] = omim.loc['FUMAC', 'Met'] = \
+            omim.loc['FUMAC', 'Tyr'] = omim.loc['34HPPOR', 'Tyr'] = \
+            omim.loc['GCC2am GCC2bim GCC2cm GCCam GCCbim GCCcm', 'Gly'] = '+'
+        omim.loc['PHETHPTOX2 r0399', 'Tyr'] = '-'
+    omim = data.copy()
+if args.writedata:
+    omim.to_csv(args.output+".csv")
+if args.onlywritedata:
+    omim.to_csv(args.output+".csv")
+    sys.exit(0)
+omimstyle = omim.style
+omimstyle.apply(background_function, axis=None)  # Colour cells based on (+) or (-)
+if not args.shlomi:
+    omimstyle.apply(text_colour)
+    **{'max-width': '15px', 'border-width': '1px', 'border-color': 'black', 'border-style': 'solid',
+       'text-align': 'center', 'font-size': '8px', 'font-family': 'monospace'})
+# Make the column names diagonal:
+if not args.names:
+    omimstyle.set_table_styles(
+        [dict(selector="th.col_heading",
+              props=[('display', "none")]),
+         dict(selector="th.row_heading",
+              props=[('font-family', 'sans-serif'), ('font-size', '12px'), ('line-height', '12px')])])
+    omimstyle.set_table_styles(
+        [dict(selector="th.col_heading",
+              props=[('vertical-align', 'bottom'), ('font-family', 'monospace'), ('max-width', '90px'),
+                     ('transform', 'rotateZ(-45deg)')]),
+         dict(selector="th.row_heading",
+              props=[('font-family', 'sans-serif'), ('font-size', '14px'), ('line-height', '20px')])])
+html = omimstyle.render().replace('nan', '')
+if args.format == 'html':
+    with open(args.output+".html", 'w') as outfile:
+        outfile.write(html)
+elif args.format == 'png':
+    vdisplay = Xvfb()
+    vdisplay.start()
+    imgkit.from_string(html, args.output+".png")
+elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
+print("Total elapsed time: {:.2f} sec".format(elapsed_time))
diff --git a/scripts/fva_parallelization.py b/scripts/fva_parallelization.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a87fb8c92b82e1a23cff1e72eeb7ae0989fafac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/fva_parallelization.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
-from knockout_fva import run_fva
-def fva_once(biodict, i, mod, fr, proce, rxns_to_test, r_2_ko, ep, mger):
-    WTf = mger.Namespace()
-    WTb = mger.Namespace()
-    mutant = mger.Namespace()
-    # Forward: change the bounds to force a forward flux in the reactions that go forward or are reversible:
-    WTf.df = run_fva(mod, 'forward', i, ep, r_2_ko, rxns_to_test, proce, fr)
-    # Backward: change the bounds to force a backward flux in the reactions that go backward or are reversible:
-    WTb.df = run_fva(mod, 'backward', i, ep, r_2_ko, rxns_to_test, proce, fr)
-    # Disease case (mutant)
-    mutant.df = run_fva(mod, 'mutant', i, ep, r_2_ko, rxns_to_test, proce, fr)
-    biodict[i.id] = {'WTf': WTf.df, 'WTb': WTb.df, 'mutant': mutant.df}
-def fva_parallel(model, reactions_to_knockout, fraction_opt, eps, proc, rxnsOfInterest):
-    with Manager() as manager:
-        biomarker_dict = manager.dict()  # <-- can be shared between processes.
-        processes = []
-        for rxn in reactions_to_knockout:
-            p = Process(target=fva_once, args=(biomarker_dict, rxn, model, fraction_opt, proc, rxnsOfInterest,
-                                               reactions_to_knockout, eps, manager))
-            # Passing the list
-            p.start()
-            processes.append(p)
-        for p in processes:
-            p.join()
-        biomarkerTable = dict(biomarker_dict)
-        return biomarkerTable
diff --git a/scripts/import_sbml_model.py b/scripts/import_sbml_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..817a6fd9a26854cb0bc53a2fd986ae757b26e9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/import_sbml_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+from knockout_fva import link_pathways, remove_blocked_reactions
+from read_sbml_model_no_boundary_reactions import read_sbml_model
+import argparse
+from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
+import cobra
+model = cobra.io.load_json_model("C:/Users/julie/Documents/Code/data/Recon2.2_reimported2.json")
+def fix_model(modfile, proc, bar):
+    model_import = read_sbml_model(modfile)
+    model_import.solver = 'cplex'
+    # Link the pathways (subsystem) in the model as they are stored in NOTES (this also links all the NOTES)
+    model = link_pathways(modfile, model_import)
+    # Delete the blocked reactions (reactions with 0 flux) from the model
+    remove_blocked_reactions(model, proc, bar)
+    # Fix name errors:
+    for r in model.reactions:
+        if '_LPAREN_' in r.id:
+            s = r.id.replace('_LPAREN', '')
+            s = s.replace('_RPAREN_', '')
+            r.id = s
+    model.repair()  # Rebuilds indexes after having renamed reactions
+    return model
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    description = "Imports a SBML model (RECON2.2) and modifies and fixes it to be used in FVA analyses\n"
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", help="model")
+    parser.add_argument("-j", "--jsonmodel", action='store_true', help="Use this flag to use a json model as input")
+    parser.add_argument("-p", "--processors", type=int, default=4, help="Number of processors to use")
+    parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", help="Path and name of the new model file")
+    parser.add_argument('-b', '--progressbar', action='store_true', help="Use this flag to show the progress bar in "
+                                                                         "the console")
+    parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', choices=['sbml','json'], help="Output file format. If outputting sbml, "
+                                                                        "the pathway susbsystem will not be retained.")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.jsonmodel:
+        mod = cobra.io.load_json_model(args.model)
+        mod.solver = 'cplex'
+        remove_blocked_reactions(mod, args.processors, args.progressbar)
+    else:
+        mod = fix_model(args.model, args.processors, args.progressbar)
+    if args.format == 'sbml':
+        print("Writing to sbml file... Please note that pathway subsystem information will not be saved to this model.")
+        cobra.io.write_sbml_model(mod, args.outfile)
+    elif args.format == 'json':
+        print("Writing to json file...")
+        cobra.io.save_json_model(mod, args.outfile)
diff --git a/scripts/knockout_fva.py b/scripts/knockout_fva.py
index 6302a2f19eebe47b996cc15536d3135599613d17..d30b62fa9410da4a6392cb9896ab56d260c06251 100644
--- a/scripts/knockout_fva.py
+++ b/scripts/knockout_fva.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import libsbml
-from copied import parse_legacy_sbml_notes
+from copied import parse_legacy_sbml_notes, printProgressBar
 import cobra
 from cobra.flux_analysis import flux_variability_analysis
 import pandas as pd
@@ -22,56 +22,69 @@ def link_pathways(filename, model):
     return model
-def remove_blocked_reactions(model, proc):
+def remove_blocked_reactions(model, proc, progress):
     # Remove blocked reactions (reactions with 0 flux)
     print("Finding blocked reactions...")
     blocked = cobra.flux_analysis.find_blocked_reactions(model, processes=proc)
-    # printProgressBar(0, len(blocked), prefix='Removing blocked reactions:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
+    if progress:
+        printProgressBar(0, len(blocked), prefix='Removing blocked reactions:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
     for i, r in enumerate(blocked):
         to_remove = model.reactions.get_by_id(r)
-        # printProgressBar(i + 1, len(blocked), prefix='Removing blocked reactions:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
+        if progress:
+            printProgressBar(i + 1, len(blocked), prefix='Removing blocked reactions:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
-def run_fva(model, case, rxn, eps, reactions_to_knockout, rxnsOfInterest, proc, fraction_opt):
-    M = model.copy()  # reset bounds
+def run_fva(model, case, rxns, eps, rxnsOfInterest, proc, fraction_opt):
     if case == 'forward':
-        # Forward: change the bounds to force a forward flux in the reactions that go forward or are reversible:
-        if rxn.upper_bound > 0:  # [0, 1000] or [-1000, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = eps  # / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Bounds will be similar to [10, 1000]
-        elif rxn.upper_bound == 0:  # [-1000, 0]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).upper_bound = -eps  # / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Also force backward reactions if there are any => [-1000, -1]
-        print(rxn.id+' forward FVA...')
-        try:
-            WTf = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                            processes=proc)
-        except:
-            print('Forward FVA could not be solved for ' + rxn.id + '. Continuing without the forward interval.')
-            WTf = pd.DataFrame()
-        return WTf
+        with model:
+            for r in rxns:  # Set all the reaction bounds for the forward FVA
+                rxn = model.reactions.get_by_id(r)
+                # Forward: change the bounds to force a forward flux in the reactions that go forward or are reversible:
+                if rxn.upper_bound > 0:  # if [0, 1000] or [-1000, 1000]
+                    model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = eps  # / len(reactions_to_knockout)
+                    # Bounds will be similar to [10, 1000]
+                elif rxn.upper_bound == 0:  # if [-1000, 0]
+                    model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).upper_bound = -eps  # / len(reactions_to_knockout)
+                    # Also force backward reactions if there are any => [-1000, -10]
+            try:
+                WTf = flux_variability_analysis(model, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
+                                                processes=proc)
+            except:
+                rxnids = [rn for rn in rxns]
+                print('Forward FVA could not be solved for ' + ' '.join(rxnids) + '. Continuing without the forward '
+                                                                                  'interval.')
+                WTf = pd.DataFrame()
+            return WTf
     elif case == 'backward':
-        # Backward: change the bounds to force a backward flux in the reactions that go backward or are reversible:
-        if rxn.lower_bound < 0:  # [-1000, 0] or [-1000, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = -eps  # / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Bounds will be similar to [-1000, -10]
-        elif rxn.lower_bound == 0:  # [0, 1000]
-            M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = eps  # / len(reactions_to_knockout)
-            # Also force forward reactions if there are any => [1, 1000]
-        print(rxn.id+' backward FVA...')
-        try:
-            WTb = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                            processes=proc)
-        except:
-            print('Backward FVA could not be solved for ' + rxn.id + '. Continuing without the backward interval.')
-            WTb = pd.DataFrame()
-        return WTb
+        with model:
+            for r in rxns:  # Set all the reaction bounds for the backward FVA
+                rxn = model.reactions.get_by_id(r)
+                # Backward: change the bounds to force a backward flux in the reactions that go backward or are
+                # reversible:
+                if rxn.lower_bound < 0:  # if [-1000, 0] or [-1000, 1000]
+                    model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = -eps  # / len(reactions_to_knockout)
+                    # Bounds will be similar to [-1000, -10]
+                elif rxn.lower_bound == 0:  # if [0, 1000]
+                    model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = eps  # / len(reactions_to_knockout)
+                    # Also force forward reactions if there are any => [10, 1000]
+            try:
+                WTb = flux_variability_analysis(model, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
+                                                processes=proc)
+            except:
+                rxnids = [rn for rn in rxns]
+                print('Backward FVA could not be solved for ' + ' '.join(rxnids) + '. Continuing without the backward '
+                                                                                   'interval.')
+                WTb = pd.DataFrame()
+            return WTb
     elif case == 'mutant':
         # Disease case (mutant)
         # KO reactions by setting the bounds to 0
-        M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = M.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).upper_bound = 0
-        print(rxn.id+' KO FVA...')
-        mutant = flux_variability_analysis(M, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
-                                           processes=proc)
-        return mutant
+        with model:
+            for r in rxns:  # Set all the reaction bounds to 0 for the mutant FVA
+                rxn = model.reactions.get_by_id(r)
+                model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).lower_bound = model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn.id).upper_bound = 0
+            mutant = flux_variability_analysis(model, reaction_list=rxnsOfInterest, fraction_of_optimum=fraction_opt,
+                                               processes=proc)
+            return mutant
diff --git a/scripts/knockout_multiple.py b/scripts/knockout_multiple.py
index df9f41b07bf58d204268f9a6b596d996ba452364..a79d79bf1796ec17d8bf4d120621137b8d59695c 100644
--- a/scripts/knockout_multiple.py
+++ b/scripts/knockout_multiple.py
@@ -1,187 +1,270 @@
-import cobra
-from read_sbml_model_no_boundary_reactions import read_sbml_model
-from cobra.flux_analysis import flux_variability_analysis
-import pandas as pd
+import os
+import knockout_fva
 import argparse
 from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
 import time
 from knockout_fva import *
-from fva_parallelization import *
-description = "Calculates FVA results for a set of reactions (rxnsOfInterest) when another set of reactions " \
-              "(reactions_to_knockout) are knocked out, for each set of input reactions\n"
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
-parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", help="SBML model")
-parser.add_argument("-k", "--knockoutReactions", default=None, help="List of reaction IDs to knockout separately. If "
-                                                                    "empty, uses all reactions, apart from exchange "
-                                                                    "and transport reactions, to KO.")
-parser.add_argument("-x", "--exchangeReactions", default=None, help="List of exchange reactions to measure fluxes for. "
-                                                                    "If empty, uses all exchange reactions from the "
-                                                                    "model.")
-parser.add_argument("-f", "--fractionOfOptimum", type=float, default=0, help="The percentage of the optimum objective "
-                                                                             "function to acheive")
-parser.add_argument("-E", "--epsilon", type=int, default=10, help="The flux value to force through the reactions to "
-                                                                  "knockout in the WT case")
-parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", type=float, default=0.1, help="Significativity threshold for flux change "
-                                                                       "between WT and KO conditions")
-parser.add_argument("-u", "--unite", type=bool, default=False, help="If True, unite the forward and backward WT flux "
-                                                                    "ranges. If False, use the forward ranges.")
-parser.add_argument("-p", "--processors", type=int, default=4, help="Number of processors to use")
-parser.add_argument("-s", "--separator", default=',', help="Separator to use in output file")
-parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", help="Outfile path and name to write to")
-parser.add_argument("-a", "--parallelization", type=bool, default=False, help="Whether or not to parallelize the FVA "
-                                                                              "runs (default = False)")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-start_time = time.time()
-print("Importing model...")
-model_import = read_sbml_model(args.model)
-model_import.solver = 'cplex'
-fraction_opt = args.fractionOfOptimum
-eps = args.epsilon
-threshold = args.threshold
-always_unite = args.unite
-proc = args.processors
-sep = args.separator
-# Link the pathways (subsystem) in the model as they are stored in NOTES
-model = link_pathways(args.model, model_import)
-# Delete the blocked reactions (reactions with 0 flux) from the model
-remove_blocked_reactions(model, proc)
-# Fix name errors:
-for r in model.reactions:
-    if '_LPAREN_' in r.id:
-        s = r.id.replace('_LPAREN', '')
-        s = s.replace('_RPAREN_', '')
-        r.id = s
-# Set the exchange reaction bounds
-rxnsOfInterest = []
-if args.exchangeReactions is None:
-    rxnsOfInterest = model.exchanges
-    for r_ID in args.exchangeReactions:
-        rxnsOfInterest.append(model.exchanges.get_by_ID(r_ID))
-for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-    rxn.lower_bound = -10
-for rxn in rxnsOfInterest:
-    rxn.upper_bound = 1000
-# Create the list of reaction(s) to KO:
-reactions_ids_to_knockout = []
-if args.knockoutReactions is None:  # Use all reactions (apart from transport reactions and exchange reactions)
-    print("Using all reactions to KO... (make take a while)")
-    for rxn in model.reactions:
-        if len(rxn.metabolites) != 2:
-            if rxn not in model.exchanges:
-                reactions_ids_to_knockout.append(rxn.id)
+from import_sbml_model import fix_model
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Some parts of the code are taken from:
+# https://github.com/ReScience-Archives/Mondeel-Ogundipe-Westerhoff-2018.git
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Main knockout function
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def main_knockout(model_import, proc, prog_bar, exch_react, ko_react, fraction_opt, eps, threshold,
+                  always_unite, cleanSBML, fileformat):
+    start_time = time.time()
+    print("Importing model...")
+    # Model can be SBML: can be already cleaned (with blocked reactions removed etc.) or uncleaned
+    if fileformat == 'sbml':
+        if cleanSBML:
+            print("Fixing model...")
+            model = fix_model(model_import, proc, prog_bar)
-            if rxn.reactants[0].id[:-1] != rxn.products[0].id[:-1]:
+            model = cobra.io.read_sbml_model(model_import)
+            for rxn in model.reactions:
+                if 'SUBSYSTEM' in rxn.notes:
+                    rxn.subsystem = str(rxn.notes['SUBSYSTEM'])
+    # Model can also be json file with pathways already correctly in the SUBSYSTEM attribute
+    elif fileformat == 'json':
+        model = cobra.io.load_json_model(model_import)
+    model.solver = 'cplex'
+    # Set the exchange reaction bounds
+    rxnsOfInterest = []
+    # If you provide no exchange reactions, then all of the model's exchange reactions are used
+    if exch_react is None:
+        rxnsOfInterest = model.exchanges
+    # You can also provide a list in the console command: -x "EX_his_L_e EX_ile_L_e EX_leu_L_e EX_lys_L_e"
+    else:
+        for r_ID in exch_react.split():
+            rxnsOfInterest.append(model.exchanges.get_by_id(r_ID))
+    # Set the exchange reaction bounds:
+    for rxn in model.exchanges:
+        rxn.lower_bound = -eps
+    for rxn in model.exchanges:
+        rxn.upper_bound = 1000
+    # Create the list of reaction(s) to KO:
+    # Needs to be a list of lists to enable multiple knockouts
+    reactions_ids_to_knockout = []
+    # Can be a file containing the IDs: new line means separate KO, space means simultaneous KOs
+    # Example:
+    # ACOAD1fm
+    # ACOAD8m ACOAD9m
+    # ACOAHi
+    # ACOAO7p
+    # ACOATA
+    # ACONT
+    if os.path.isfile(ko_react):
+        with open(ko_react, 'r') as ko_file:
+            reactions_ids_to_knockout = [i.strip().split(' ') for i in ko_file]
+    # If you provide no KO reactions, then all of the model's reactions (apart from transport reactions and exchange
+    # reactions) will be used
+    elif ko_react is None:
+        print("Using all reactions to KO... (may take a while)")
+        if prog_bar:
+            printProgressBar(0, len(model.reactions), prefix='Adding KO reactions:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
+        for i, rxn in enumerate(model.reactions):
+            if not rxn.subsystem.startswith("Transport,"):
                 if rxn not in model.exchanges:
-    print("Using "+args.knockoutReactions+" to KO...")
-    reactions_ids_to_knockout = args.knockoutReactions.split()
-reactions_to_knockout = []
-for ID in reactions_ids_to_knockout:
-    reactions_to_knockout.append(model.reactions.get_by_id(ID))
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are forced forward:
-WTf = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are forced backward:
-WTb = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-# Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are KO'd:
-mutant = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
-if args.parallelization:
-    print('Running FVAs in parallel...')
-    biomarker_dict = fva_parallel(model, reactions_to_knockout, fraction_opt, eps, proc, rxnsOfInterest)
-    biomarker_table_par = dict(biomarker_dict)
-biomarkerTable = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Reaction ID', 'Reaction', 'Pathway', 'Biomarkers'])
-with model:
-    for rxn in reactions_to_knockout:
-        if args.parallelization:
-            WTf = biomarker_table_par[rxn.id]['WTf']
-            WTb = biomarker_table_par[rxn.id]['WTb']
-            mutant = biomarker_table_par[rxn.id]['mutant']
-        else:  # Run FVAs non-parallelized
-            print('Running FVAs one after the other (non-parallel)...')
+            if prog_bar:
+                printProgressBar(i + 1, len(model.reactions), prefix='Adding KO reactions:', suffix='Complete',
+                                 length=50)
+    # You can also provide the IDs directly as a console argument (multiple IDs separated by a space will be KO'd
+    # separately)
+    else:
+        print("Using " + ko_react + " to KO...")
+        ids = ko_react.split()
+        reactions_ids_to_knockout = [ids]
+    # # Dataframe setup:
+    # # Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are forced forward:
+    # WTf = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
+    # # Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are forced backward:
+    # WTb = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
+    # # Dataframe containing fluxes when the constrained reactions are KO'd:
+    # mutant = pd.DataFrame(columns=['minimum', 'maximum'])
+    fva_start_time = time.time()
+    # Create the final biomarker table
+    biomarkerTable = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Reaction ID', 'Reaction', 'Pathway', 'Biomarkers'])
+    with model:
+        print('Running ' + str(len(reactions_ids_to_knockout) * 3) + ' (' + str(
+            len(reactions_ids_to_knockout)) + '*3) FVAs one after the other...')
+        if prog_bar:
+            printProgressBar(0, len(reactions_ids_to_knockout), prefix='Total FVA progress:', suffix='Complete',
+                             length=50)
+        for i, rxns in enumerate(reactions_ids_to_knockout):  # For 1 KO ID or 1 group of simultaneous KO reactions:
             # Forward: change the bounds to force a forward flux in the reactions that go forward or are reversible:
-            WTf = run_fva(model, 'forward', rxn, eps, reactions_to_knockout, rxnsOfInterest, proc, fraction_opt)
+            WTf = knockout_fva.run_fva(model, 'forward', rxns, eps, rxnsOfInterest, proc, fraction_opt)
             # Backward: change the bounds to force a backward flux in the reactions that go backward or are reversible:
-            WTb = run_fva(model, 'backward', rxn, eps, reactions_to_knockout, rxnsOfInterest, proc, fraction_opt)
+            WTb = knockout_fva.run_fva(model, 'backward', rxns, eps, rxnsOfInterest, proc, fraction_opt)
             # Disease case (mutant)
-            mutant = run_fva(model, 'mutant', rxn, eps, reactions_to_knockout, rxnsOfInterest, proc, fraction_opt)
-        # Set the WT fluxes as the WTf ones, and extend the boundaries using WTb if necessary (if always_unite == True)
-        # Shlomi et al. did not do this: they kept WTf as WT, unless WTf = [0,0]
-        WT = pd.DataFrame(columns=WTf.columns)
-        if len(WTf) != 0 and len(WTb) == 0:  # No backward calculation, because FVA failed
-            WT = WTf
-        elif len(WTb) != 0 and len(WTf) == 0:  # No forward calculation, because FVA failed
-            WT = WTb
-        elif len(WTb) == 0 and len(WTf) == 0:  # No results
-            print('No healthy interval could be calculated')
-        for rn in rxnsOfInterest:
-            r = rn.id
-            if always_unite:
-                WT.loc[r] = WTf.loc[r]
-                # Extend boundaries
-                if WTb.loc[r]['minimum'] < WTf.loc[r]['minimum']:
-                    WT.loc[r]['minimum'] = WTb.loc[r]['minimum']
-                if WTb.loc[r]['maximum'] > WTf.loc[r]['maximum']:
-                    WT.loc[r]['maximum'] = WTb.loc[r]['maximum']
-            else:
-                # Keep WTf unless it's 0
-                if WTf.loc[r]["minimum"] == WTf.loc[r]["maximum"] == 0:
-                    WT.loc[r] = WTb.loc[r]
-                else:
-                    WT.loc[r] = WTf.loc[r]
-        # Format the flux ranges to be more readable:
-        WTint = {}
-        mutantint = {}
-        for rn in rxnsOfInterest:
+            mutant = knockout_fva.run_fva(model, 'mutant', rxns, eps, rxnsOfInterest, proc, fraction_opt)
+            if prog_bar:
+                printProgressBar(i + 1, len(reactions_ids_to_knockout), prefix='Total FVA progress:', suffix='Complete',
+                                 length=50)
+            # Set the WT fluxes as the WTf ones, and extend the boundaries using WTb if necessary
+            # (if always_unite == True)
+            # Shlomi et al. did not do this: they kept WTf as WT, unless WTf = [0,0] (always_unite == False)
+            WT = pd.DataFrame(columns=WTf.columns)
+            if len(WTf) != 0 and len(WTb) == 0:  # No backward calculation, because backward FVA failed
+                WT = WTf
+            elif len(WTb) != 0 and len(WTf) == 0:  # No forward calculation, because forward FVA failed
+                WT = WTb
+            elif len(WTb) == 0 and len(WTf) == 0:  # No results
+                print('No healthy interval could be calculated')
+            elif len(WTb) != 0 and len(WTf) != 0:  # If both FVAs worked
+                for rn in rxnsOfInterest:
+                    r = rn.id
+                    if always_unite:  # Using always_unite parameter
+                        WT.loc[r] = WTf.loc[r]
+                        # Extend boundaries starting with WTf, and check to see if WTb is wider or not
+                        if WTb.loc[r]['minimum'] < WTf.loc[r]['minimum']:
+                            WT.loc[r]['minimum'] = WTb.loc[r]['minimum']
+                        if WTb.loc[r]['maximum'] > WTf.loc[r]['maximum']:
+                            WT.loc[r]['maximum'] = WTb.loc[r]['maximum']
+                    else:  # Shlomi case
+                        # Keep WTf unless it's 0
+                        if WTf.loc[r]["minimum"] == WTf.loc[r]["maximum"] == 0:
+                            WT.loc[r] = WTb.loc[r]
+                        else:
+                            WT.loc[r] = WTf.loc[r]
+            # Format the flux ranges to be more usable:
+            WTint = {}
+            mutantint = {}
             if len(WT) != 0 and len(mutant) != 0:
-                r = rn.id
-                WTint[r] = [round(WT.loc[r]["minimum"], 3), round(WT.loc[r]["maximum"], 3)]
-                mutantint[r] = [round(mutant.loc[r]["minimum"], 3), round(mutant.loc[r]["maximum"], 3)]
-        # Calculate a score for each pair of flux ranges (WT and mutant):
-        score = []
-        for r in rxnsOfInterest:
-            lb = [WTint[r.id][0], mutantint[r.id][0]]
-            ub = [WTint[r.id][1], mutantint[r.id][1]]
-            if lb == [0, 0]:
-                change_lower_bound = 0
-            else:
-                change_lower_bound = abs(max(lb) - min(lb)) / max([abs(el) for el in lb])
-            if ub == [0, 0]:
-                change_upper_bound = 0
-            else:
-                change_upper_bound = abs(max(ub) - min(ub)) / max([abs(el) for el in ub])
-            score.append(max(change_lower_bound, change_upper_bound))
-        scoretable = dict(zip(rxnsOfInterest, score))
-        biomarkerRxns = [r for r in scoretable if scoretable[r] > threshold]
-        biomarkerScores = [scoretable[r] for r in scoretable if scoretable[r] > threshold]
-        biomarkerTable.loc[len(biomarkerTable)] = [rxn.id, rxn.reaction, rxn.subsystem,
-                                                   ', '.join([next(iter(rxn.metabolites)).name for rxn in
-                                                              biomarkerRxns])]
-print('Significant biomarkers for each KOd reaction:')
-biomarkerTable.to_csv(args.outfile, sep=',', index=False)
-elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
-print("Elapsed time: " + str(elapsed_time))
+                for rn in rxnsOfInterest:
+                    r = rn.id
+                    WTint[r] = [round(WT.loc[r]["minimum"], 3), round(WT.loc[r]["maximum"], 3)]
+                    mutantint[r] = [round(mutant.loc[r]["minimum"], 3), round(mutant.loc[r]["maximum"], 3)]
+            # Calculate a score for each pair of flux ranges (WT and mutant):
+            score = []  # Score to be compared to the score threshold
+            flux_change = {}  # Flux change direction
+            for r in rxnsOfInterest:  # For the one KO or for each reaction in the group of KOs
+                if len(WT) != 0 and len(mutant) != 0:
+                    lb = [WTint[r.id][0], mutantint[r.id][0]]  # Store the two lower bounds (WT and mutant)
+                    ub = [WTint[r.id][1], mutantint[r.id][1]]  # Store the two upper bounds (WT and mutant)
+                    if lb == [0, 0]:
+                        change_lower_bound = 0
+                    else:
+                        # Calculate the difference between the lower bounds divided by the biggest absolute lower bound
+                        # Ex:
+                        # WT = [-20, 50]
+                        # mutant = [1, 30]
+                        # change_lower_bound = abs(1 - 20) / 20 = 0.95
+                        # change_upper_bound = abs(50 - 30) / 50 = 0.4
+                        # ==> score will be 0.95
+                        change_lower_bound = abs(max(lb) - min(lb)) / max([abs(el) for el in lb])
+                    if ub == [0, 0]:
+                        change_upper_bound = 0
+                    else:
+                        change_upper_bound = abs(max(ub) - min(ub)) / max([abs(el) for el in ub])
+                else:  # If none of the FVAs worked:
+                    change_lower_bound = change_upper_bound = 0
+                score.append(max(change_lower_bound, change_upper_bound))  # Choose the max change as the score
+                if len(WT) != 0 and len(mutant) != 0:
+                    # Determine direction of change
+                    # If both lower bounds are the same, and both upper bounds are the same ==> no change
+                    if WTint[r.id][0] == mutantint[r.id][0] and WTint[r.id][1] == mutantint[r.id][1]:
+                        flux_change[r.id] = "(=)"
+                    # If the WT upper bound is lower than the mutant lower bound ==> significant change
+                    elif WTint[r.id][1] < mutantint[r.id][0]:
+                        flux_change[r.id] = "(++)"
+                    elif WTint[r.id][0] > mutantint[r.id][1]:
+                        flux_change[r.id] = "(--)"
+                    elif ((WTint[r.id][0] <= mutantint[r.id][0])
+                          and (WTint[r.id][1] <= mutantint[r.id][1])
+                          and (max(abs(WTint[r.id][0] - mutantint[r.id][0]),
+                                   abs(WTint[r.id][1] - mutantint[r.id][1])) > 0)):
+                        flux_change[r.id] = "(+)"
+                    elif ((WTint[r.id][0] >= mutantint[r.id][0])
+                          and (WTint[r.id][1] >= mutantint[r.id][1])
+                          and (abs(WTint[r.id][0] - mutantint[r.id][0]) > 0
+                               or abs(WTint[r.id][1] - mutantint[r.id][1]) > 0)):
+                        flux_change[r.id] = "(-)"
+                    else:
+                        flux_change[r.id] = "(?)"
+            score_dict = dict(zip(rxnsOfInterest, score))
+            biomarkerRxns = [r for r in score_dict if score_dict[r] > threshold]
+            metabolite_list = []
+            for r in biomarkerRxns:
+                # ';' will separate each biomarker, and ' # ' will separate the biomarker from its change
+                # Ex: (S)-3-sulfonatolactate(2-) # (-); taurine # (-)
+                metab = '; '.join([next(iter(r.metabolites)).id]) + ' # ' + str(flux_change[r.id])
+                metabolite_list.append(metab)
+            rxnids = [model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn).id for rxn in rxns]
+            rxnreactions = [model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn).reaction for rxn in rxns]
+            rxnpathways = list(set([model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn).subsystem for rxn in rxns]))
+            biomarkerTable.loc[len(biomarkerTable)] = [' '.join(rxnids), ' '.join(rxnreactions), ', '.join(rxnpathways),
+                                                       '; '.join(metabolite_list)]
+    print('Significant biomarkers for each KOd reaction:')
+    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)  # Remove limit on column width
+    print(biomarkerTable.to_string())
+    fva_elapsed_time = time.time() - fva_start_time
+    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
+    print("Total elapsed time: {:.2f} sec".format(elapsed_time))
+    print("Total FVA time: {:.2f} sec".format(fva_elapsed_time))
+    print("Approximate FVA (x3) time per reaction KO: {:.2f} sec".format(
+        fva_elapsed_time / len(reactions_ids_to_knockout)))
+    return biomarkerTable
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    description = "Calculates FVA results for a set of reactions (rxnsOfInterest) when another reaction " \
+                  "(reactions_ids_to_knockout) is knocked out, for each input reaction\n"
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", help="Metabolic model (SBML or json).")
+    parser.add_argument("-k", "--knockoutReactions", default=None,
+                        help="List of reaction IDs to knockout separately. If empty, uses all reactions, apart from "
+                             "exchange and transport reactions, to KO. Can be a file: IDs to be KO'd separately need "
+                             "to be on a newline, and simultaneous KOs need to be on the same line separated by "
+                             "spaces.")
+    parser.add_argument("-x", "--exchangeReactions", default=None,
+                        help="List of exchange reactions to measure fluxes for, separated by spaces. If empty, "
+                             "uses all exchange reactions from the model.")
+    parser.add_argument("-f", "--fractionOfOptimum", type=float, default=0,
+                        help="The percentage of the optimum objective function to achieve.")
+    parser.add_argument("-e", "--epsilon", type=int, default=10,
+                        help="The flux value to force through the reactions to knockout in the WT case.")
+    parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", type=float, default=0.1, help="Significance threshold for flux change "
+                                                                           "between WT and KO conditions.")
+    parser.add_argument("-u", "--unite", action='store_true',
+                        help="Use this flag to unite the forward and backward WT flux ranges. Otherwise, it uses the "
+                             "forward ranges.")
+    parser.add_argument("-p", "--processors", type=int, default=4, help="Number of processors to use.")
+    parser.add_argument("-s", "--separator", default=',', help="Separator to use in output file.")
+    parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", help="Outfile path and name to write to.")
+    parser.add_argument('-b', '--progressbar', action='store_true', help="Use this flag to show the progress bar in "
+                                                                         "the console.")
+    parser.add_argument("-c", "--cleanSBML", action='store_true',
+                        help="Use this flag to clean the SBML file: imports using modified cobrapy "
+                             "function, removes blocked reactions, links the NOTES section correctly, "
+                             "links the subsystem from NOTES to the subsystem in the reaction object, "
+                             "fixes name errors: _LPAREN_ _RPAREN_ instead of ( ).")
+    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputformat', default='sbml', choices=['sbml', 'json'], help="Input file format.")
+    # Add auto file format detection?
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    biomarker_df = main_knockout(args.model, args.processors, args.progressbar, args.exchangeReactions,
+                                 args.knockoutReactions, args.fractionOfOptimum,
+                                 args.epsilon, args.threshold, args.unite, args.cleanSBML, args.inputformat)
+    biomarker_df.to_csv(args.outfile, sep=args.separator, index=False)
diff --git a/test_files/r_test/all_table_metab_ids2.csv b/test_files/r_test/all_table_metab_ids2.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..896d8036a6b3c1cf9ca097a6f365d1a7688fda82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_files/r_test/all_table_metab_ids2.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3188 @@
+Reaction ID,lys_L_e,HC02192_e,CE5560_e,HC02191_e,ppa_e,gal_e,HC01444_e,udpgal_e,crm_hs_e,galside_hs_e,acgalfucgalacgalfuc12gal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,acgalfucgalacgalfucgalacglcgal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,fuc13galacglcgal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucacgalfucgalacglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucfuc12gal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucfuc132galacglcgal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucfucfucgalacglc13galacglcgal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucfucfucgalacglcgal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucfucgalacglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucgalfucgalacglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucgalgbside_hs_e,galacglcgalgbside_hs_e,galfuc12gal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,galfucgalacglcgal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,galgalfucfucgalacglcgalacglcgal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,galgalgalthcrm_hs_e,gbside_hs_e,prostgd2_e,prostgf2_e,prostgh2_e,gt1a_hs_e,1glyc_hs_e,2425dhvitd3_e,2mcit_e,35cgmp_e,4mptnl_e,5adtststerone_e,5adtststeroneglc_e,6htststerone_e,abt_e,ach_e,ade_e,adn_e,adrn_e,aldstrn_e,amp_e,andrstrn_e,andrstrnglc_e,aprgstrn_e,arachd_e,arg_L_e,asn_L_e,atp_e,bildglcur_e,bilglcur_e,bilirub_e,camp_e,chol_e,cholate_e,chsterol_e,cit_e,clpnd_e,co_e,creat_e,crmp_hs_e,crtsl_e,crtstrn_e,crvnc_e,cytd_e,dad_2_e,dag_hs_e,dcsptn1_e,dcyt_e,dgsn_e,dheas_e,digalsgalside_hs_e,din_e,dlnlcg_e,duri_e,eicostet_e,elaid_e,estradiol_e,estradiolglc_e,estroneglc_e,estrones_e,for_e,fuc14galacglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucacngal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,fucgal14acglcgalgluside_hs_e,fuc_L_e,gchola_e,gln_L_e,glyb_e,gsn_e,gua_e,h2o2_e,ha_e,ha_pre1_e,hdca_e,hdcea_e,hestratriol_e,hxan_e,ins_e,lcts_e,lnlc_e,lnlnca_e,lnlncg_e,lpchol_hs_e,mag_hs_e,man_e,meoh_e,no_e,nrvnc_e,o2_e,ocdcea_e,oxa_e,pchol_hs_e,pe_hs_e,pglyc_hs_e,pnto_R_e,prgstrn_e,ps_hs_e,Rtotal_e,spc_hs_e,sph1p_e,sphs1p_e,strdnc_e,tag_hs_e,taur_e,tchola_e,thym_e,thymd_e,tmndnc_e,tststerone_e,tststeroneglc_e,ttdca_e,txa2_e,udp_e,ump_e,ura_e,urate_e,uri_e,utp_e,vacc_e,vitd3_e,whddca_e,whhdca_e,xolest2_hs_e,xoltri24_e,xoltri25_e,xoltri27_e,xylt_e,4abutn_e,acmana_e,fald_e,HC00229_e,HC01441_e,orot_e,prpp_e,ptrc_e,spmd_e,sprm_e,prostgi2_e,ppi_e,ddca_e,CE1940_e,q10_e,q10h2_e,aicar_e,cbasp_e,xmp_e,dcmp_e,HC00342_e,urea_e,CE0074_e,crn_e,dmhptcrn_e,phyt_e,c81crn_e,decdicrn_e,tetdece1crn_e,tethex3_e,tetpent3_e,34dhoxpeg_e,akg_e,dgchol_e,gluala_e,sl_L_e,tdchola_e,C02528_e,12HPET_e,C04849_e,prostge1_e,HC02202_e,HC02204_e,HC02206_e,prostge2_e,HC02203_e,HC02205_e,HC02207_e,c10crn_e,ddece1crn_e,3deccrn_e,ddeccrn_e,3ddcrn_e,3tetd7ecoacrn_e,3ttetddcoacrn_e,3tdcrn_e,3hdececrn_e,3ivcrn_e,c6crn_e,c8crn_e,3thexddcoacrn_e,3hexdcrn_e,3octdece1crn_e,3octdec2crn_e,3octdeccrn_e,3bcrn_e,leu_L_e,ivcrn_e,4mop_e,c51crn_e,hx_e,c4crn_e,c5dc_e,ttdcrn_e,cgly_e,cys_L_e,gthox_e,gthrd_e,leuktrC4_e,leuktrD4_e,leuktrE4_e,leuktrF4_e,so4_e,HC00250_e,slfcys_e,doco13ac_e,lgnc_e,11_cis_retfa_e,13_cis_retnglc_e,9_cis_retfa_e,caro_e,retfa_e,retinol_e,retinol_9_cis_e,retinol_cis_11_e,retn_e,retnglc_e,bhb_e,dca_e,bglc_e,glgchlo_e,gltcho_e,gum_e,gumgchol_e,gumtchol_e,psyl_e,psylchol_e,psyltchol_e,fmn_e,34dhphe_e,4hphac_e,adrnl_e,dopa_e,dopasf_e,mepi_e,nrpphr_e,nrpphrsf_e,pheacgln_e,phe_L_e,tymsf_e,tyr_L_e,glyphe_e,34hpp_e,cysam_e,hyptaur_e,4nphsf_e,triodthy_e,triodthysuf_e,csasulp_e,s3meacmp_e,sulpacmp_e,coa_e,dpcoa_e,pan4p_e,ptth_e,asp_D_e,1mncam_e,nac_e,ncam_e,C02470_e,pheme_e,biocyt_e,btn_e,hpdca_e,ptdca_e,HC00822_e,docosac_e,fum_e,n2m2nmasn_e,avite1_e,avite2_e,bvite_e,yvite_e,leuktrA4_e,leuktrB4_e,4hpro_LT_e,anth_e,5mthf_e,fol_e,thf_e,2hb_e,his_L_e,ile_L_e,thr_L_e,trp_L_e,val_L_e,3mob_e,3mop_e,met_L_e,5mta_e,ahcys_e,arach_e,ocdca_e,fe2_e,fe3_e,retinal_e,12htacr_e,1331tacr_e,13dmt_e,1513tacr_e,1531tacr_e,15dmt_e,31dmt_e,epoxtac_e,tacr_e,14hmdz_e,4hmdgluc_e,4ohmdz_e,1hmdgluc_e,1ohmdz_e,mdz_e,mdzglc_e,2hatvlac_e,2hatvacid_e,2hatvacidgluc_e,2hatvlacgluc_e,4hatvacid_e,4hatvlac_e,atvacid_e,atvlac_e,etoh_e,35dhpvs_e,3hpvs_e,3hpvstet_e,3ispvs_e,56dhpvs_e,56eppvs_e,6epvs_e,7hpvs_e,pvs_e,pvsgluc_e,tripvs_e,35dsmv_e,3hsmvacid_e,6csmvacid_e,6hmsmvacid_e,6hsmvacid_e,smv_e,smvacid_e,3hlvstacid_e,6hlvst_e,6melvacid_e,6melvst_e,isolvstacid_e,lvst_e,lvstacid_e,3ohacmp_e,acmp_e,acmpglu_e,glc3meacp_e,4bhglz_e,6ahglz_e,6bhglz_e,6bhglzglc_e,7ahglz_e,7bhglz_e,7bhglzglc_e,crglz_e,dhglz_e,glz_e,mhglz_e,5ohfvs_e,5ohfvsglu_e,6ohfvs_e,6ohfvsglu_e,deoxfvs_e,desfvs_e,fvs_e,thrfvs_e,tlacfvs_e,allop_e,oxyp_e,oxy1rb_e,oxy7rb_e,am19cs_e,am1a4ncs_e,am1acs_e,am1alcs_e,am1csa_e,am4n9cs_e,am9csa_e,am1accs_e,am1c4n9cs_e,am1c9cs_e,am1ccs_e,am1cglc_e,am4ncs_e,csa_e,caribup_s_e,caribupglu_S_e,crvs_e,crvsm1_e,crvsm23_e,crvsm24_e,acgam_e,chtn_e,acmpglut_e,cysacmp_e,meracmp_e,fvstet_e,fvstetglu_e,lst4exp_e,lstn_e,lstn1gluc_e,lstnm1_e,lstnm2_e,lstnm4_e,lstnm5_e,lstnm7_e,ndersv_e,rsv_e,rsvlac_e,ptvstlac_e,ptvst_e,ptvstm3_e,ptvstm13_e,tmd_e,tmdm1_e,tmdm5_e,tmdm3_e,csn_e,24nph_e,4nph_e,HC01104_e,5htrp_e,srtn_e,drib_e,acald_e,orn_e,hexc_e,but_e,octa_e,arab_L_e,tagat_D_e,ribflv_e,fad_e,3mlda_e,hista_e,5fthf_e,pro_L_e,glygn5_e,malt_e,Tyr_ggn_e,gam_e,glyc_S_e,pi_e,glyc3p_e,lac_D_e,acetone_e,cyan_e,tcynt_e,tsul_e,inost_e,malttr_e,maltttr_e,maltpt_e,malthx_e,malthp_e,3aib_e,3aib_D_e,ala_B_e,adprib_e,nad_e,adprbp_e,nadp_e,carn_e,idp_e,imp_e,itp_e,gdp_e,gmp_e,cmp_e,ctp_e,cdp_e,gtp_e,glygn4_e,strch2_e,5oxpro_e,coumarin_e,hcoumarin_e,antipyrene_e,dmantipyrine_e,5homeprazole_e,omeprazole_e,htaxol_e,taxol_e,4mtolbutamide_e,tolbutamide_e,carveol_e,limnen_e,perillyl_e,apnnox_e,appnn_e,4hdebrisoquine_e,debrisoquine_e,npthl_e,onpthl_e,aflatoxin_e,eaflatoxin_e,ebastine_e,ebastineoh_e,ak2lgchol_hs_e,paf_hs_e,pydxn_e,ser_L_e,pydam_e,4pyrdx_e,pydx_e,pydx5p_e,rbt_e,rib_D_e,sarcs_e,glysar_e,fru_e,sbt_D_e,sucr_e,thm_e,thmmp_e,thmtp_e,i_e,thyox_L_e,tre_e,ala_D_e,g1p_e,udpg_e,dha_e,dhap_e,dgmp_e,dgtp_e,dtmp_e,dttp_e,dtdp_e,strch1_e,glygn2_e,HC01577_e,HC01700_e,HC00955_e,ahdt_e,HC01361_e,HC01440_e,HC01446_e,HC01609_e,HC01610_e,HC02160_e,HC02161_e,malcoa_e,arachcoa_e,CE2250_e,CE2011_e,CE2839_e,CE2838_e,23cump_e,3ump_e,CE5797_e,CE5798_e,cl_e,no2_e,CE4633_e,CE4881_e,adp_e
diff --git a/test_files/r_test/comparments.csv b/test_files/r_test/comparments.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..288693970f59890d176fafa697712d6054a6cc64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_files/r_test/comparments.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+extracellular space,#68c06d
+Golgi apparatus,#c247c7
+endoplasmic reticulum,#6ab3e1
diff --git a/test_files/r_test/pathway_names_best.csv b/test_files/r_test/pathway_names_best.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fce8b79242877d6578e7d03682b101df9f3a19d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_files/r_test/pathway_names_best.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Tyrosine metabolism,Amino acid metabolism,#7dea2f
+"Valine, leucine, and isoleucine metabolism",Amino acid metabolism,#64d015
+"Glycine, serine, alanine and threonine metabolism",Amino acid metabolism,#4ea211
+Tryptophan metabolism,Amino acid metabolism,#37740c
+Arginine and Proline Metabolism,Amino acid metabolism,#214507
+Inositol phosphate metabolism,Carbohydrate metabolism,#e665bc
+Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis,Carbohydrate metabolism,#df39a9
+Pentose phosphate pathway,Carbohydrate metabolism,#c6208f
+Aminosugar metabolism,Carbohydrate metabolism,#9a196f
+Pyruvate metabolism,Carbohydrate metabolism,#6e1250
+Cholesterol metabolism,Digestive system,#6aaea9
+Eicosanoid metabolism,Eicosanoids,#fdcd82
+Exchange/demand reaction,Exchange/demand reaction,#be4527
+Keratan sulfate degradation,Glycan biosynthesis and metabolism,#84a0fb
+Keratan sulfate synthesis,Glycan biosynthesis and metabolism,#527af9
+N-glycan synthesis,Glycan biosynthesis and metabolism,#2154f8
+Blood group synthesis,Glycan biosynthesis and metabolism,#073bde
+Phosphatidylinositol phosphate metabolism,Glycan biosynthesis and metabolism,#062ead
+Fatty acid oxidation,Lipid metabolism,#dbb8f9
+Bile acid synthesis,Lipid metabolism,#c389f6
+Fatty acid synthesis,Lipid metabolism,#ab59f2
+Steroid metabolism,Lipid metabolism,#932aee
+Sphingolipid metabolism,Lipid metabolism,#7911d5
+Glycerophospholipid metabolism,Lipid metabolism,#5e0da6
+Folate metabolism,Metabolism of cofactors and vitamins,#ee642a
+Vitamin A metabolism,Metabolism of cofactors and vitamins,#f28659
+Urea cycle,Metabolism of other amino acids,#53e4f8
+Nucleotide interconversion,Nucleotide metabolism,#a67973
+Purine catabolism,Nucleotide metabolism,#8c6059
+Pyrimidine catabolism,Nucleotide metabolism,#6d4b46