From 0c1f84dc37a3fb509022f7692496e9531547dd5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 04:58:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Modifications for improved active search... but... we
 don't have time to fit it. Zut!

 nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R    | 39 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 nimble/model9/model_definition.R     | 37 +++++++++++++++++++-------
 nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R | 39 ++++++++++++++++++----------
 src/functions.R                      | 12 ++++++---
 src/plan.R                           | 11 ++++++--
 5 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R b/nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R
index 7526683..dcf581d 100644
--- a/nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R
+++ b/nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R
@@ -40,8 +40,12 @@ loadd(admin,
-      probNeighAS1km,
-      probNeighAS2km,
+      weightTauAHome1km,
+      weightTauAAway1km,
+      weightTauAHome2km,
+      weightTauAAway2km,
+      ## probNeighAS1km,
+      ## probNeighAS2km,
       wildBoarArraySub,  # observations aggregated over ten day intervals, hexagons restricted to 20km buffer
@@ -52,19 +56,24 @@ loadd(admin,
 ## Initial values and constants ####
 tStopSub <- 80
-initWildboarSub  <- setWildBoarModelInitialValues(wbArray4sim   = wildBoarArraySub,
-                                                  wildBoarObs   = wildBoarObsSub,
-                                                  stepsPerChunk = stepsPerChunkSub,
-                                                  bboxAll       = bboxAll) # For fitting MUST OMIT tStop ARGUMENT
-constWildboarSub <- setWildBoarModelConstants    (wbArray4sim   = wildBoarArraySub,
-                                                  Hex           = hexSub,
-                                                  HexCentroids  = hexCentroidsSub,
-                                                  Outbreaks     = outbreaks,
-                                                  stepsPerChunk = stepsPerChunkSub,
-                                                  bboxAll       = bboxAll,
-                                                  tStop         = tStopSub,
-                                                  probNeighAS1km = probNeighAS1km,
-                                                  probNeighAS2km = probNeighAS2km)
+initWildboarSub  <- setWildBoarModelInitialValues(wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArraySub,
+                                                  wildBoarObs        = wildBoarObsSub,
+                                                  stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkSub,
+                                                  bboxAll            = bboxAll) # For fitting MUST OMIT tStop ARGUMENT
+constWildboarSub <- setWildBoarModelConstants    (wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArraySub,
+                                                  Hex                = hexSub,
+                                                  HexCentroids       = hexCentroidsSub,
+                                                  Outbreaks          = outbreaks,
+                                                  stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkSub,
+                                                  bboxAll            = bboxAll,
+                                                  tStop              = tStopSub,
+                                                  weightTauAHome1km  = weightTauAHome1km,
+                                                  weightTauAAway1km  = weightTauAAway1km,
+                                                  weightTauAHome2km  = weightTauAHome2km,
+                                                  weightTauAAway2km  = weightTauAAway2km)
+                                                  # probNeighAS1km = probNeighAS1km,
+                                                  # probNeighAS2km = probNeighAS2km
 ## Build R model ####
diff --git a/nimble/model9/model_definition.R b/nimble/model9/model_definition.R
index 31af076..42d9a2e 100644
--- a/nimble/model9/model_definition.R
+++ b/nimble/model9/model_definition.R
@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ bugsBoarCode = nimbleCode({
   pRadius[1] <- 1.0
   pRadius[2] <- 0.0
   radiusActiveSearch ~ dcat(pRadius[1:2])  # Can set node value to either 1 or 2 in R code, to switch between two fixed parameters
-  probNeighAS <- probNeighAS1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + probNeighAS2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
+  ## probNeighAS <- probNeighAS1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + probNeighAS2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
+  weightTauAHome <- weightTauAHome1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + weightTauAHome2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
+  weightTauAAway <- weightTauAAway1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + weightTauAAway2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
   ## Observed &/or Simulated Data
   obsY[1:(nObsStates + returnI), 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops] <- simulateObservations(
     tIntro = tIntro, xIntro = xIntro, yIntro = yIntro,
@@ -73,14 +75,19 @@ bugsBoarCode = nimbleCode({
     neighStart = neighStart[1:nPops], neighEnd = neighEnd[1:nPops],
     seperatedByFence = seperatedByFence[1:lNeighVec],
     omegaFence = omegaFence, tFence = tFence, lNeighVec = lNeighVec,
-    inHuntZone = inHuntZone[1:nPops], probNeighAS = probNeighAS,
+    inHuntZone = inHuntZone[1:nPops],
+    # probNeighAS = probNeighAS,
+    weightTauAHome = weightTauAHome,
+    weightTauAAway = weightTauAAway,
+    radiusActiveSearch = radiusActiveSearch,
     tDelayActiveSearch = tDelayActiveSearch, decayTauA = decayTauA)
   # For monitor2
   loglik <- 0
-setWildBoarModelConstants <- function (wbArray4sim, Hex, HexCentroids, Outbreaks, stepsPerChunk, bboxAll, tStop, returnI=FALSE, probNeighAS1km, probNeighAS2km) {
+setWildBoarModelConstants <- function (wbArray4sim, Hex, HexCentroids, Outbreaks, stepsPerChunk, bboxAll, tStop, returnI=FALSE,
+                                       weightTauAHome1km, weightTauAAway1km, weightTauAHome2km, weightTauAAway2km) { ## probNeighAS1km, probNeighAS2km
   ## wbArray4sim - an element of {wildBoarArrayAll, wildBoarArraySub}
   xlims = bboxAll[c("xmin","xmax")]
   ylims = bboxAll[c("ymin","ymax")]
@@ -117,8 +124,12 @@ setWildBoarModelConstants <- function (wbArray4sim, Hex, HexCentroids, Outbreaks
     yMax             = ylims[2],
     seperatedByFence = attributes(Hex)$seperatedByFence,
     inHuntZone       = 1.0 * Hex$inHuntZone,
-    probNeighAS1km   = probNeighAS1km,
-    probNeighAS2km   = probNeighAS2km
+    weightTauAHome1km = weightTauAHome1km,
+    weightTauAAway1km = weightTauAAway1km,
+    weightTauAHome2km = weightTauAHome2km,
+    weightTauAAway2km = weightTauAAway2km
+    ## probNeighAS1km   = probNeighAS1km,
+    ## probNeighAS2km   = probNeighAS2km
     ## x0            = as.double((Outbreaks %>% filter(DATE.SUSP==0) %>% st_coordinates())[1,"X"]), # X coordinate of first observed infected farm
     ## y0            = as.double((Outbreaks %>% filter(DATE.SUSP==0) %>% st_coordinates())[1,"Y"])  # Y coordinate of first observed infected farm
@@ -201,7 +212,10 @@ simulateObservations = nimbleFunction (
                   tFence = double(0, default=1E6),
                   lNeighVec = integer(0),
                   inHuntZone = double(1),
-                  probNeighAS = double(0),
+                  ## probNeighAS = double(0),
+                  weightTauAHome = double(0),
+                  weightTauAAway = double(0),
+                  radiusActiveSearch = integer(0),
                   tDelayActiveSearch = integer(0),
                   decayTauA = double(0) ) {
     # Indices for states
@@ -296,7 +310,12 @@ simulateObservations = nimbleFunction (
     pHome_x_pAway_x_2  = 2*pHome*pAway
     pAway_x_pAway_x_2  = 2*pAway*pAway
     nNeigh_x_nNeigh    = nimNumeric(length=nPops, value=nNeigh[1:nPops]*nNeigh[1:nPops])
-    probNeighAS_x_tauA = probNeighAS * tauA
+    ## Adjust tauA for home/away pixels and 1km/2km radius
+    ## i.e. the weighting affects the daily probability, not the rate.
+    tauAHome = -log(1 - weightTauAHome * (1 - exp(-tauA)))
+    tauAAway = -log(1 - weightTauAAway * (1 - exp(-tauA)))
+    ## probNeighAS_x_tauA = probNeighAS * tauA
+    ##
     ## Dynamics
     for (t in floor(tIntro):tStop) {
       # Indicator to turn off/on observation processes
@@ -401,10 +420,10 @@ simulateObservations = nimbleFunction (
         if (indicatorUpdateAS & (dStates[Hpos] + dStates[Sa] + dStates[Sp] > 0)) {
           # Then an active search will start in 3 days (delay for test) + 7 days (fixed delay for organising search in simulated data)
           tauA_matrix[pop, tPlus1]     = decayTauA * tauA_matrix[pop, t]
-          tauA_matrix[pop, tPlusDelay] = tauA
+          tauA_matrix[pop, tPlusDelay] = tauAHome
           for (ii in neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]) {
             iNeigh = neighVec[ii]
-            tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay] = min(tauA, probNeighAS_x_tauA + tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay])
+            tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay] = min(tauAHome, tauAAway + tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay])
       } # End loop on pop
diff --git a/nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R b/nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
index 087628a..1c9568e 100644
--- a/nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
+++ b/nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # source(here::here("nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R"))
 # rm(list=ls())
 # This script jumps through MCMC output and generates weighted means & stdevs of the simulations
@@ -43,8 +43,12 @@ if (reBuildModels) {
-        probNeighAS1km,
-        probNeighAS2km,
+        weightTauAHome1km,
+        weightTauAAway1km,
+        weightTauAHome2km,
+        weightTauAAway2km,
+        #probNeighAS1km,
+        #probNeighAS2km,
@@ -60,16 +64,20 @@ if (reBuildModels) {
                                                     bboxAll       = bboxAll,
                                                     tStop         = tStopAll,
                                                     returnI       = TRUE)
-  constWildboarAll  = setWildBoarModelConstants(wbArray4sim    = wildBoarArrayAll,
-                                                Hex            = hexAll,
-                                                HexCentroids   = hexCentroidsAll,
-                                                Outbreaks      = outbreaks,
-                                                stepsPerChunk  = stepsPerChunkAll,
-                                                bboxAll        = bboxAll,
-                                                tStop          = tStopAll,
-                                                probNeighAS1km = probNeighAS1km,
-                                                probNeighAS2km = probNeighAS2km,
-                                                returnI        = TRUE)
+  constWildboarAll  = setWildBoarModelConstants(wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArrayAll,
+                                                Hex                = hexAll,
+                                                HexCentroids       = hexCentroidsAll,
+                                                Outbreaks          = outbreaks,
+                                                stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkAll,
+                                                bboxAll            = bboxAll,
+                                                tStop              = tStopAll,
+                                                weightTauAHome1km = weightTauAHome1km,
+                                                weightTauAAway1km = weightTauAAway1km,
+                                                weightTauAHome2km = weightTauAHome2km,
+                                                weightTauAAway2km = weightTauAAway2km,
+                                                ## probNeighAS1km  = probNeighAS1km,
+                                                ## probNeighAS2km  = probNeighAS2km,
+                                                returnI            = TRUE)
   ## Build R model ####
@@ -216,4 +224,7 @@ for (scenario in SCENARIO) { # scenario=1
 ## Write scenariosList as a series of files
 ## load(simFile)
-## probNeighAS = probNeighAS1km
+## 02h58
+## Sys.time()
diff --git a/src/functions.R b/src/functions.R
index 208e9c1..80ede0b 100644
--- a/src/functions.R
+++ b/src/functions.R
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ makeHexTiny <- function(HexAll, CellSize) { # HexAll=hexAll; CellSize=cellSize
-sampleProbActive <- function(HexTiny, CellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=10) { # HexTiny=hexTiny; CellSize=cellSize
+sampleProbActive <- function(HexTiny, CellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=100) { # HexTiny=hexTiny; CellSize=cellSize
     radiusM   <- set_units(radiusInM, m)
     centroids <- st_centroid(HexTiny) %>% st_geometry()
     distMat   <- st_distance(centroids, centroids)
@@ -1412,9 +1412,10 @@ sampleProbActive <- function(HexTiny, CellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=10) {
     HexCenter <- HexTiny[iCenter,] %>% st_geometry()
     HexOuter  <- st_difference(HexTiny, HexCenter) %>% select(geometry)
-    delta         <- CellSize * 0.6
+    delta     <- CellSize * 0.6
     grid = st_make_grid(HexCenter, cellsize = resolution, square = FALSE, offset = c(0, 0))
+    ## plot(HexTiny[,1])
     ## plot(grid, add=TRUE, col="blue")
     dGrid      <- data.frame(id=1:length(grid)) # data.frame(id=1:length(grid))
     dGrid$geometry = grid # grid
@@ -1434,8 +1435,11 @@ sampleProbActive <- function(HexTiny, CellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=10) {
     sumOuter <- overlapsOuter %>% st_area() %>% sum()
     sumInner <- overlapsInner %>% st_area() %>% sum()
-    (proportionActiveSearchInOneNeighbour <- sumOuter / sumInner)
-    return(proportionActiveSearchInOneNeighbour)
+    ## Original output
+    ## (proportionActiveSearchInOneNeighbour <- sumOuter / sumInner)
+    ## return(proportionActiveSearchInOneNeighbour)
+    ## New output
+    return(c(sumInner, sumOuter))
diff --git a/src/plan.R b/src/plan.R
index f186c76..7074346 100644
--- a/src/plan.R
+++ b/src/plan.R
@@ -593,11 +593,18 @@ plan <- drake_plan(
   ## They integrate over all possible locations (within the central hexagon) for an Active Search centroid AND over all possible locations visited by the active search
   ## This provides a weight for the strength of an active search in a pixel that does not containing the active search centroid (i.e. a neighbour)
   ## These weights will be added as constants in model8 to reduce bias from the current (false) assumption that the active search is globally homogeneous
-  probNeighAS1km = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=100)
+  innerOuterAreas1km = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=100)
-  probNeighAS2km = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=2000, resolution=100)
+  innerOuterAreas2km  = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=2000, resolution=100)
+  weightTauAHome1km = 1, ## innerOuterAreas1km[1]/innerOuterAreas1km[1]
+  weightTauAAway1km = innerOuterAreas1km[2] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
+  weightTauAHome2km = innerOuterAreas2km[1] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
+  weightTauAAway2km = innerOuterAreas2km[2] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
+  ## probNeighAS2km =
+  ## probNeighAS1km =
   ## hexWhat = st_make_grid(hexTiny, n=1, cellsize = cellSize + 1000, square = FALSE, offset = c(0, 0))
   ## hexWhat = st_make_grid(HexCenter, n=1, cellsize = cellSize + 1000, square = FALSE, offset = c(0, 0))
   ## hexWhat <- hexWhat[1,]

From 31b3d0179a1607ad2e9adf6a01f97cf78a8002c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 11:25:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Started model10 with new active search parameterisation
 in model9.

 nimble/model10/README                 |   3 +
 nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel9.R    | 372 +++++++++++++++++++++
 nimble/model10/model_definition.R     | 445 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R | 230 +++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 1050 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 nimble/model10/README
 create mode 100644 nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel9.R
 create mode 100644 nimble/model10/model_definition.R
 create mode 100644 nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R

diff --git a/nimble/model10/README b/nimble/model10/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44d15e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nimble/model10/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Model code adaped from model9
+- New parameterisation for active search.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel9.R b/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel9.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf581d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel9.R
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# source(here::here("nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R"))
+# rm(list=ls())
+iNSim = 4
+# drake::r_make()            # TO UPDATE INIT AND CONST
+## iAttractI       <- 9 # 1:9
+## (attractIVec    <- ilogit(seq(-4,4,by=1)))
+## (iAttractIFixed <- attractIVec[iAttractI])
+## (logit_attractI <- logit(iAttractIFixed))
+## nimPrint("iAttractI=",iAttractI, " logit(attractI)=",logit_attractI)
+(baseDir <- here::here("nimble/model9"))
+## (mcmcDir <- paste0(baseDir, "/MCMC_lpAI",logit_attractI))
+nSimVec  = c(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000)
+nSim     = nSimVec[iNSim]
+(mcmcDir = paste0(baseDir, paste0("/MCMC",1:length(nSimVec))[iNSim])) ## "/MCMC2"))
+if (!file.exists(mcmcDir))
+  system(paste("mkdir", mcmcDir))
+## Choose which model to use - all hexagons or a subset ####
+      bboxAll,
+      hexSub,
+      hexAll,
+      hexCentroidsSub,
+      fence,
+      weightTauAHome1km,
+      weightTauAAway1km,
+      weightTauAHome2km,
+      weightTauAAway2km,
+      ## probNeighAS1km,
+      ## probNeighAS2km,
+      outbreaks,
+      stepsPerChunkSub,
+      wildBoarArraySub,  # observations aggregated over ten day intervals, hexagons restricted to 20km buffer
+      wildBoarObsSub,
+      pig_sites)
+## Initial values and constants ####
+tStopSub <- 80
+initWildboarSub  <- setWildBoarModelInitialValues(wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArraySub,
+                                                  wildBoarObs        = wildBoarObsSub,
+                                                  stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkSub,
+                                                  bboxAll            = bboxAll) # For fitting MUST OMIT tStop ARGUMENT
+constWildboarSub <- setWildBoarModelConstants    (wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArraySub,
+                                                  Hex                = hexSub,
+                                                  HexCentroids       = hexCentroidsSub,
+                                                  Outbreaks          = outbreaks,
+                                                  stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkSub,
+                                                  bboxAll            = bboxAll,
+                                                  tStop              = tStopSub,
+                                                  weightTauAHome1km  = weightTauAHome1km,
+                                                  weightTauAAway1km  = weightTauAAway1km,
+                                                  weightTauAHome2km  = weightTauAHome2km,
+                                                  weightTauAAway2km  = weightTauAAway2km)
+                                                  # probNeighAS1km = probNeighAS1km,
+                                                  # probNeighAS2km = probNeighAS2km
+## Build R model ####
+rWildBoarModelSub = nimbleModel(bugsBoarCode,
+                                constants=constWildboarSub,
+                                inits=initWildboarSub,
+                                calculate = FALSE, debug = FALSE) # TRUE
+simulate(rWildBoarModelSub, c("scTIntro", "tIntro"))
+nimPrint("Sub: tIntro = ", rWildBoarModelSub$tIntro)
+## Useful node sets ####
+detNodes      = rWildBoarModelSub$getNodeNames(determOnly=TRUE)
+obsNodes      = sub("\\[.*","",detNodes[grep("obsY", detNodes)])
+detNodesNoObs =                detNodes[grep("obsY", detNodes, invert=TRUE)]
+stochNodes    = rWildBoarModelSub$getNodeNames(stochOnly=TRUE)
+## Define Target & Fixed nodes ##
+Fixed  <- c("logit_pR", "radiusActiveSearch")
+Target <- sort(c(
+  "logit_pHuntY",
+  "logit_scTIntro",
+  "logit_pIntroX",
+  "logit_pIntroY",
+  "logit_pHome",
+  "logit_attractI",
+  "logit_omegaFence",
+  "log_tauP",
+  "log_tauPArmy",
+  "log_tauA",
+  "log_tauHArmy",
+  "log_beta"
+Monitors <- Target
+## Initial sub-optimal initialisation ####
+if (TRUE) { # FALSE
+  samplesFile  <- paste0(mcmcDir,"/samples.csv")
+  if (file.exists(samplesFile)) {
+    nimPrint("Using ", samplesFile)
+    previousSamples <- read.table(file=samplesFile, header = TRUE)
+    for (iTarget in 1:length(Target)) {
+      if (is.element(Target[iTarget], colnames(previousSamples)))
+        rWildBoarModelSub[[Target[iTarget]]] <- tail(previousSamples[,Target[iTarget]],1)
+      nimPrint(Target[iTarget], " = ", rWildBoarModelSub[[Target[iTarget]]])
+    }
+  } else {
+    model1SamplesFile <- "/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model1/MCMC/samples.csv"
+    nimPrint("Using ", model1SamplesFile)
+    previousSamples <- read.table(file=model1SamplesFile, header = TRUE)
+    previousSamples <- tail(previousSamples,1)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_scTIntro   <- logit(1-(14)/100))
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pIntroX    <- previousSamples$logit_pIntroX)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pIntroY    <- previousSamples$logit_pIntroY)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pHome      <- previousSamples$logit_pHome)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_attractI   <- previousSamples$logit_attractI)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_omegaFence <- logit(0.999))
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauP         <- -8) # 1 + log(exp(previousSamples$log_tauCarDet) * (1-ilogit(previousSamples$logit_pActive))))
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauPArmy     <- -6.6)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauA         <- 2 + log(exp(previousSamples$log_tauCarDet) * ilogit(previousSamples$logit_pActive)))
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauHArmy     <- -3.47)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_beta         <- previousSamples$log_beta)
+    (iniPropCov                         <- diag(1E-3, length(Target)))
+  }
+  (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pHuntY     <- 0) # previousSamples$logit_pHuntY)
+  (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pR         <- logit(0.05))
+## Configure MCMC ####
+(simulate(rWildBoarModelSub, detNodesNoObs))
+val <- {}
+for (tt in Target) {
+  val[tt] <- eval(parse(text=paste0("rWildBoarModelSub$", tt)))
+  nimPrint(tt, " = ", val[tt])
+## Compile models ####
+if (is.element("cWildBoarModelSub", ls())) {
+  nimCopy(from=rWildBoarModelSub, to=cWildBoarModelSub, nodes = stochNodes)
+} else {
+  cWildBoarModelSub = compileNimble(rWildBoarModelSub, showCompilerOutput = TRUE) # FALSE
+if (TRUE) { # FALSE
+  # simulate(rWildBoarModelSub, detNodes)
+  simulate(cWildBoarModelSub, detNodes)
+  fNames <- c("1HN","2HP","3AS","4PS")
+  for (tenDayChunk in 1:9) {
+    print(data.frame(data=c(sum(wildBoarArraySub[1,tenDayChunk,]),
+                            sum(wildBoarArraySub[2,tenDayChunk,]),
+                            sum(wildBoarArraySub[3,tenDayChunk,]),
+                            sum(wildBoarArraySub[4,tenDayChunk,])),
+                     model=c(sum(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[1,tenDayChunk,]),
+                             sum(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[2,tenDayChunk,]),
+                             sum(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[3,tenDayChunk,]),
+                             sum(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[4,tenDayChunk,])),
+                     row.names = c("HN", "HP", "AS", "PS")))
+  }
+  if (FALSE) { # TRUE
+    for (tenDayChunk in 1:8) {
+      for (iCol in 1:4) {
+        nimPrint(tenDayChunk, " ", iCol)
+        mapInfectiousDayX(t(rWildBoarModelSub$obsY[iCol,,]), Hex=hexSub,
+                          Admin=admin%>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
+                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/checks",
+                          fileName=paste0("check_chunk", tenDayChunk, "_", fNames[iCol], "_data"),
+                          StepsPerChunk=10, Fence=fence, pig_sites=pig_sites, Outbreaks=outbreaks)
+        mapInfectiousDayX(t(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[iCol,,]), Hex=hexSub,
+                          Admin=admin%>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
+                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/checks",
+                          fileName=paste0("chunk", tenDayChunk, "_", fNames[iCol], "_sim"),
+                          StepsPerChunk=10, Fence=fence, pig_sites=pig_sites, Outbreaks=outbreaks)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## MCMC ####
+reconfigure <- TRUE
+allowResets <- TRUE # FALSE   ## Set to TRUE prior to converging, FALSE once stable
+nIter <- 1000
+for (iRun in 1:100) { # iRun=1
+  nimPrint("nSim=",nSim)
+  nimPrint("mcmcDir=",mcmcDir)
+  samplesFile  <- paste0(mcmcDir,"/samples.csv")
+  samples2File <- paste0(mcmcDir,"/samples2.csv")
+  samplesExist <- file.exists(samplesFile) & file.exists(samples2File)
+  if (samplesExist) {
+    loglikSamples <- as.mcmc(read.table(file=samples2File, header = TRUE))
+    ess <- effectiveSize(loglikSamples)
+    nimPrint("Effective size of loglikSamples = ", ess)
+    if (iRun==1 | (allowResets & ess < 10)) {
+      ######################################
+      ## Verify observed data are in tact ##
+      ######################################
+      rWildBoarModelSub$obsY[,,] <- wildBoarArraySub[,,]
+      cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[,,] <- wildBoarArraySub[,,]
+      ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+      ## Load previous samples ####
+      ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+      previousSamples <- read.table(file=samplesFile, header = TRUE)
+      previousSamples <- tail(previousSamples, n=round(nrow(previousSamples)/3))
+      for (iTarget in 1:length(Target)) {
+        if (is.element(Target[iTarget], colnames(previousSamples)))
+          rWildBoarModelSub[[Target[iTarget]]] <- tail(previousSamples[,Target[iTarget]],1)
+        nimPrint(Target[iTarget], " = ", rWildBoarModelSub[[Target[iTarget]]])
+      }
+      nimCopy(from=rWildBoarModelSub, to=cWildBoarModelSub, nodes = stochNodes)
+      simulate(cWildBoarModelSub, detNodesNoObs)
+      ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+      ## Reinitialise Cov Matrix ####
+      ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+      iniPropCov <- cov(previousSamples)
+      diag(iniPropCov)
+      while (any(0>eigen(iniPropCov)$values)) {
+        scalePropCov <- 1.1
+        diag(iniPropCov) <- diag(iniPropCov) * scalePropCov
+        iniPropCov <- iniPropCov / scalePropCov
+      }
+      diag(iniPropCov)
+      nimPrint(iniPropCov)
+      nimPrint(cov2cor(iniPropCov))
+      reconfigure <- TRUE
+    }
+  }
+  if (iRun==1 | reconfigure) {
+    ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    ## Reinitialise MCMC ####
+    ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    mcPoissonLoglik <- setupMcPoissonLoglik(model=rWildBoarModelSub, obsYNode='obsY', obsY = wildBoarArraySub,
+                                            constants = list(nSim=nSim, Log=TRUE), targetNodes = Target, fixedNodes = Fixed)
+    mcmcConf <- configureMCMC(rWildBoarModelSub, monitors=Monitors, monitors2="loglik", nodes = NULL)
+    mcmcConf$printSamplers()
+    mcmcConf$getMonitors()
+    mcmcConf$getMonitors2()
+    mcmcConf$removeSamplers()
+    mcmcConf$addSampler(target = Target, type = 'sampler_RW_llFunction_block_custom', ## sampler_RW_llFunction_block_custom - this gives "could not find function "extractControlElement"" which is nuts
+                        control = list(llFunction = mcPoissonLoglik,
+                                       includesTarget = FALSE,     ## FALSE tells sampler to add prior weights for target
+                                       propCov = iniPropCov,
+                                       scale = ifelse(samplesExist, 1.0, 0.01), ## Default=1 - works bad when initial covProp is terrible
+                                       ## adaptFactorExponent = 0.7,  ## Default=0.8
+                                       adaptive = TRUE,
+                                       adaptInterval=200))         ## Default = 200
+    print(mcmcConf)
+    Cmcmc = compileNimble(buildMCMC(mcmcConf))
+    reconfigure <- FALSE
+  }
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Run MCMC ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  STime <- run.time(Cmcmc$run(nIter, reset=FALSE))  ## 23h22
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Import into coda - filtering a NA line that can be generated when recompiling the modelVal##ues object ##
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  samples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
+  samples <- samples[samples[,"logit_pHome"]!=0,]
+  if(any([1,])))
+    samples <- samples[-1,]
+  samples  <- as.mcmc(samples)
+  ##
+  samples2 <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples2)
+  samples2 <- samples2[samples2[,"loglik"]!=0,]
+  if([1]))
+    samples2 <- samples2[-1]
+  samples2 <- as.mcmc(samples2)
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Plot with CODA ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  pdf(file=paste0(mcmcDir,"/trajectories_",nSim,".pdf"))
+  plot(samples)
+  ##
+  pdf(file=paste0(mcmcDir,"/trajectories-loglik_",nSim,".pdf"))
+  plot(samples2)
+  ##
+  write.table(samples,  file=paste0(mcmcDir,"/samples.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
+  write.table(samples2, file=paste0(mcmcDir,"/samples2.csv"),row.names = FALSE)
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Check marginalised simulated values ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  for (tenDayChunk in 1:9) {
+    print(data.frame(data=c(sum(wildBoarArraySub[1,tenDayChunk,]),
+                            sum(wildBoarArraySub[2,tenDayChunk,]),
+                            sum(wildBoarArraySub[3,tenDayChunk,]),
+                            sum(wildBoarArraySub[4,tenDayChunk,])),
+                     model=c(sum(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[1,tenDayChunk,]),
+                             sum(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[2,tenDayChunk,]),
+                             sum(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[3,tenDayChunk,]),
+                             sum(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[4,tenDayChunk,])),
+                     row.names = c("HN", "HP", "AS", "PS")))
+  }
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Check latest simulation ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  if (FALSE) {
+    for (tenDayChunk in 1:8) {
+      for (iCol in 1:4) {
+        nimPrint(tenDayChunk, " ", iCol)
+        mapInfectiousDayX(t(wildBoarArraySub[iCol,,]), Hex=hexSub,
+                          Admin=admin%>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
+                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/checks",
+                          fileName=paste0("chunk", tenDayChunk, "_", fNames[iCol], "_data"),
+                          StepsPerChunk=10, Fence=fence, pig_sites=pig_sites, Outbreaks=outbreaks)
+        mapInfectiousDayX(t(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[iCol,,]), Hex=hexSub,
+                          Admin=admin%>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
+                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/checks",
+                          fileName=paste0("chunk", tenDayChunk, "_", fNames[iCol], "_sim"),
+                          StepsPerChunk=10, Fence=fence, pig_sites=pig_sites, Outbreaks=outbreaks)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+### What prior can stop tauP shrinking to 0 and remain realistic ?
+## M  <- 0
+## SD <- 3
+## (yMax <- qlnorm(0.99,M,SD)) ## exp(M+SD^2)
+## par(mfrow=n2mfrow(2))
+## curve(dlnorm(x,M,SD),0,yMax, n=1001)
+## (R <- exp(M - SD^2)) ## Mode of lnorm
+## ## Is mode reasonable?
+## (yMax <- qexp(0.99,R)) ## exp(M+SD^2)
+## curve(pexp(x,rate=R),0, yMax, ylim=0:1)
+## qexp(0.99,rate=R) / 365          # 102.2358 years to have 99% prob of detection
+## pgeom(yMax,pexp(1,rate=R))       # 0.9889418
+## qgeom(0.99,pexp(1,rate=R)) / 365 # 102.2356 years to have 99% prob of detection
+## log(R) # -9.21034
diff --git a/nimble/model10/model_definition.R b/nimble/model10/model_definition.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d9a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nimble/model10/model_definition.R
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+## TO-DO
+## - visualise relation between passive and active search
+## - adapt to hexagonal grid
+bugsCode4MV = nimbleCode({
+  logit(scTIntro)   ~ dLogitBeta(7, 7)         # Introduction date (on 0:1)
+  logit(pIntroX)    ~ dLogitBeta(1, 1)         # Introduction location relative to bounding box of whole island
+  logit(pIntroY)    ~ dLogitBeta(1, 1)         # Introduction location relative to bounding box of whole island
+  logit(pHome)      ~ dLogitBeta(2, 2)         # Connectivity: pHome=p(wild boar in home cell). (1-pHome)=p(wild boar in neighbouring cell)
+  logit(attractI)   ~ dLogitBeta(2, 2)         # Relative contact rate, i.e. how attractive is an infectious individual relative to a carcass.
+  logit(omegaFence) ~ dLogitBeta(2, 2)         # Fence efficacy
+  log(tauP)         ~ dnorm(0, sd=3)           # Carcass detection rate - passive detection. TESTING THIS PRIOR TO AVOID DISAPPEARING TO ZERO
+  log(tauA)         ~ dLogExp(rate = 1/1e+07)  # Carcass detection rate - active detection
+  log(tauHArmy)     ~ dLogExp(rate = 1/1e+07)  # Increase in hunting rate around fenced area after day 60
+  log(tauPArmy)     ~ dLogExp(rate = 1/1e+07)  # Increase in passive search rate around fenced area after day 60
+  log(beta)         ~ dLogExp(rate = 1)        # The scale of transmission - multiply with the realtive attractivity of Infectious and Carcasses.
+  logit(pHuntY)     ~ dLogitBeta(330, 330)
+bugsBoarCode = nimbleCode({
+  ## Known Parameters
+  omega  <- 0.8                               # Habitat preference
+  tauI   <- 1/7                               # Incubation rate
+  tauC   <- 1/7                               # Disease induced mortality rate
+  tauR   <- tauC * pR/(1 - pR)                # Recovery rate so that pR (recovfery probability ) is 0.05
+  tauRot <- 1/90                              # Carcass decomposition rate
+  tauH   <- -log((1 - pHuntY)^(12/(8 * 365))) # Hunting rate. Hunters think pHuntY=0.5 (prob. shot in one year). Hunting season is 8 month long.
+  pTest  <- 20/100                            # Probability to test a hunted wild boar
+  tDelayActiveSearch <- 10                    # 3 days for the test and 7 days to organise search. 100% constant in their simulaed data.
+  decayTauA <- (1 - 1/7)                        # Geometric decay of tauA
+  ## Unknown Parameters
+  logit(scTIntro)   ~ dLogitBeta(7, 7)         # Introduction date (on 0:1)
+  logit(pIntroX)    ~ dLogitBeta(1, 1)         # Introduction location relative to bounding box of whole island
+  logit(pIntroY)    ~ dLogitBeta(1, 1)         # Introduction location relative to bounding box of whole island
+# logit(pHome)      ~ dLogitBeta(2, 2)         # Connectivity: pHome=p(wild boar in home cell). (1-pHome)=p(wild boar in neighbouring cell)
+  logit(attractI)   ~ dLogitBeta(2, 2)         # Relative contact rate, i.e. how attractive is an infectious individual relative to a carcass.
+  logit(omegaFence) ~ dLogitBeta(2, 2)         # Fence efficacy
+  log(tauP)         ~ dnorm(0, sd=3)           # Carcass detection rate - passive detection. TESTING THIS PRIOR TO AVOID DISAPPEARING TO ZERO
+  log(tauA)         ~ dLogExp(rate = 1/1e+07)  # Carcass detection rate - active detection
+  log(tauHArmy)     ~ dLogExp(rate = 1/1e+07)  # Increase in hunting rate around fenced area after day 60
+  log(tauPArmy)     ~ dLogExp(rate = 1/1e+07)  # Increase in passive search rate around fenced area after day 60
+# log(beta)         ~ dLogExp(rate = 1)        # The scale of transmission - multiply with the realtive attractivity of Infectious and Carcasses.
+  # Changes applied to MCMC4 15h Sunday to attempt reducing beta~pHome redundancy
+  log(beta)         ~ dLogExp(rate = 0.1)
+  logit(pHome)      ~ dLogitBeta(10, 10)
+  ##
+  betaI  <- beta * attractI
+  betaC  <- beta * (1 - attractI)
+  tIntro <- tMin - scTIntro * tMin
+  xIntro <- xMin + pIntroX * (xMax - xMin)
+  yIntro <- yMin + pIntroY * (yMax - yMin)
+  ## Somewhat known, can be fixed for simplicity
+  logit(pR)     ~ dLogitBeta(5/2.18, 95/2.18)
+  logit(pHuntY) ~ dLogitBeta(330, 330)
+  ## Other constants
+  tFence     <- 60  # Last day without fence and extra hunting
+  pRadius[1] <- 1.0
+  pRadius[2] <- 0.0
+  radiusActiveSearch ~ dcat(pRadius[1:2])  # Can set node value to either 1 or 2 in R code, to switch between two fixed parameters
+  ## probNeighAS <- probNeighAS1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + probNeighAS2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
+  weightTauAHome <- weightTauAHome1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + weightTauAHome2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
+  weightTauAAway <- weightTauAAway1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + weightTauAAway2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
+  ## Observed &/or Simulated Data
+  obsY[1:(nObsStates + returnI), 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops] <- simulateObservations(
+    tIntro = tIntro, xIntro = xIntro, yIntro = yIntro,
+    nObsStates = nObsStates, returnI = returnI, nPops = nPops, nTimeChunksPlus1 = nTimeChunksPlus1,
+    stepsPerChunk = stepsPerChunk, xCentroid = xCentroid[1:nPops],
+    yCentroid = yCentroid[1:nPops], weightF = weightF[1:nPops],
+    weightA = weightA[1:nPops], areaHuntBag = areaHuntBag[1:nPops],
+    omega = omega, betaI = betaI, betaC = betaC, pHome = pHome,
+    pR = pR, tauA = tauA, tauP = tauP, tauPArmy = tauPArmy, tauI = tauI, tauC = tauC,
+    tauR = tauR, tauRot = tauRot, tauH = tauH, tauHArmy = tauHArmy, pHuntY = pHuntY,
+    pTest = pTest, nNeigh = nNeigh[1:nPops], neighVec = neighVec[1:lNeighVec],
+    neighStart = neighStart[1:nPops], neighEnd = neighEnd[1:nPops],
+    seperatedByFence = seperatedByFence[1:lNeighVec],
+    omegaFence = omegaFence, tFence = tFence, lNeighVec = lNeighVec,
+    inHuntZone = inHuntZone[1:nPops],
+    # probNeighAS = probNeighAS,
+    weightTauAHome = weightTauAHome,
+    weightTauAAway = weightTauAAway,
+    radiusActiveSearch = radiusActiveSearch,
+    tDelayActiveSearch = tDelayActiveSearch, decayTauA = decayTauA)
+  # For monitor2
+  loglik <- 0
+setWildBoarModelConstants <- function (wbArray4sim, Hex, HexCentroids, Outbreaks, stepsPerChunk, bboxAll, tStop, returnI=FALSE,
+                                       weightTauAHome1km, weightTauAAway1km, weightTauAHome2km, weightTauAAway2km) { ## probNeighAS1km, probNeighAS2km
+  ## wbArray4sim - an element of {wildBoarArrayAll, wildBoarArraySub}
+  xlims = bboxAll[c("xmin","xmax")]
+  ylims = bboxAll[c("ymin","ymax")]
+  nObsStates    = dim(wbArray4sim)[1]
+  if (missing(tStop)) {
+    nTimeChunksPlus1 = dim(wbArray4sim)[2]
+  } else {
+    nTimeChunks = ceiling(tStop / stepsPerChunk)
+    nTimeChunksPlus1 = nTimeChunks + 1
+  }
+  nPops         = dim(wbArray4sim)[3]
+  if (nPops != nrow(Hex)) stop("The following must be true: dim(wbArray4sim)[3] == nrow(Hex)")
+  #
+  const = list(
+    nPops            = nPops,                    # Number of hexagonal patches
+    nObsStates       = nObsStates,               # Number of observation types for wild boar, "NT" "PT" "AS" "PS" (we drop NAS)
+    returnI          = returnI,                  # Indicator: FALSE - simulations don't return I, TRUE - simulations do return I
+    nTimeChunksPlus1 = nTimeChunksPlus1,         # Number of bins for aggregating time-step data
+    stepsPerChunk    = stepsPerChunk,            # Number of timesteps for each aggregated bin
+    weightF          = Hex$weightF,              # Weight for estimating wild boar density (from admin area's hunting bag) based on forest cover in hexagon / total forest cover in admin area.
+    weightA          = Hex$weightA,              # Weight for estimating wild boar density (from admin area's hunting bag) based on agro   cover in hexagon / total agro   cover in admin area.
+    areaHuntBag      = Hex$adminAreaHuntBag,     # Hunting bag data - to be divided by all hexagons from a given admin area
+    nNeigh           = Hex$nNeigh,               # Number of neighbours for each hexagon
+    neighStart       = Hex$neighStart,           # Indicates start of sub-vector of neighVec for each hexagonal patch
+    neighEnd         = Hex$neighEnd,             # Indicates end   of sub-vector of neighVec for each hexagonal patch
+    neighVec         = attributes(Hex)$neighVec, # A vector containing indices for neighbours
+    lNeighVec        = length(attributes(Hex)$neighVec),
+    xCentroid        = (HexCentroids %>% st_coordinates())[,"X"], # X component of each hexagon's centroid
+    yCentroid        = (HexCentroids %>% st_coordinates())[,"Y"], # Y component of each hexagon's centroid
+    tMin             = -100,                                      # Lower bound on carcass-fall-from-space day
+    xMin             = xlims[1],
+    xMax             = xlims[2],
+    yMin             = ylims[1],
+    yMax             = ylims[2],
+    seperatedByFence = attributes(Hex)$seperatedByFence,
+    inHuntZone       = 1.0 * Hex$inHuntZone,
+    weightTauAHome1km = weightTauAHome1km,
+    weightTauAAway1km = weightTauAAway1km,
+    weightTauAHome2km = weightTauAHome2km,
+    weightTauAAway2km = weightTauAAway2km
+    ## probNeighAS1km   = probNeighAS1km,
+    ## probNeighAS2km   = probNeighAS2km
+    ## x0            = as.double((Outbreaks %>% filter(DATE.SUSP==0) %>% st_coordinates())[1,"X"]), # X coordinate of first observed infected farm
+    ## y0            = as.double((Outbreaks %>% filter(DATE.SUSP==0) %>% st_coordinates())[1,"Y"])  # Y coordinate of first observed infected farm
+  )
+  const
+setWildBoarModelInitialValues <- function (wbArray4sim, wildBoarObs, stepsPerChunk, tStop, bboxAll, returnI=FALSE) {
+  ## browser()
+  ## wbArray4sim - an element of {wildBoarArrayAll, wildBoarArraySub}
+  nObsStates       = dim(wbArray4sim)[1]
+  nTimeChunksPlus1 = dim(wbArray4sim)[2]
+  nPops            = dim(wbArray4sim)[3] # = nrow(Hex) # Same value
+  nTimeChunks      = nTimeChunksPlus1 - 1
+  nReturnStates    = nObsStates + returnI
+  #
+  if (missing(tStop)) {
+    nimPrint("USING ORIGINAL OBSERVATIONS IN setWildBoarModelInitialValues")
+    nimPrint("dim(obsY)[2] = ", nTimeChunksPlus1)
+    tStop  = nTimeChunks * stepsPerChunk
+    myObsY = nimArray(value=0, dim=c(nReturnStates, nTimeChunksPlus1, nPops))
+    myObsY[1:nObsStates, 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops] = wbArray4sim[1:nObsStates, 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops] # These nodes are first initialised with observed data, but the data will be replaced each time this node is simulated.
+  } else if (nTimeChunks <= ceiling(tStop / stepsPerChunk)) {
+    nTimeChunks      = ceiling(tStop / stepsPerChunk)
+    nTimeChunksPlus1 = nTimeChunks + 1
+    nimPrint("setting dim(obsY)[2] to ", nTimeChunksPlus1)
+    myObsY = nimArray(value=0, dim=c(nReturnStates, nTimeChunksPlus1, nPops))
+  } else {
+    stop("Please ensure ceiling(tStop / stepsPerChunk) >= dim(wbArray4sim)[2] in order to simulate at least as far as original data.")
+  }
+  # Ball-park Initial value for location of first infectious carcass
+  xIntro = (wildBoarObs %>% filter(is.element(DET, c("AS","PS","PT"))) %>% st_coordinates() %>% colMeans())["X"]
+  yIntro = (wildBoarObs %>% filter(is.element(DET, c("AS","PS","PT"))) %>% st_coordinates() %>% colMeans())["Y"]
+  xMin = bboxAll["xmin"]
+  xMax = bboxAll["xmax"]
+  yMin = bboxAll["ymin"]
+  yMax = bboxAll["ymax"]
+  #
+  inits = list(
+    obsY               = myObsY[1:nReturnStates, 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops],
+    logit_scTIntro     = logit(0.75),  # Time first infectious carcass fell from space
+    logit_pIntroX      = logit((xIntro-xMin)/(xMax-xMin)),
+    logit_pIntroY      = logit((yIntro-yMin)/(yMax-yMin)),
+    logit_pHome        = logit(1/7),   # Connectivity
+    logit_attractI     = logit(0.5),   # Attraction of Infectious indivuidual (relative to a Carcass)
+    logit_omegaFence   = logit(0.999),
+    logit_pHuntY       = logit(0.5),   # Probability a wild boar is shot within one year's 8 month hunting season
+    logit_pR           = logit(0.05),  # Recovery probability. FIXED
+    log_beta           = -3.5,         # Transmission coeficient
+    log_tauP           = log(0.0001),  # Detection rate for passive detection
+    log_tauA           = log(0.001),   # Detection rate for active detection
+    log_tauHArmy       = -7,
+    log_tauPArmy       = -7,
+    radiusActiveSearch = 1
+  )
+  inits
+## Stochastic simulation functions - wild boar only ##
+simulateObservations = nimbleFunction (
+  run = function (tIntro = double(0), xIntro = double(0), yIntro = double(0),
+                  nObsStates = integer(0),
+                  returnI = logical(0),       ## If TRUE, an additional output for I is returned.
+                  nPops = integer(0), nTimeChunksPlus1 = double(0), stepsPerChunk = double(0),
+                  xCentroid = double(1), yCentroid = double(1),
+                  weightF = double(1), weightA = double(1),
+                  areaHuntBag = double(1), omega = double(0), betaI = double(0), betaC = double(0),
+                  pHome = double(0), pR = double(0), tauA = double(0),
+                  tauP = double(0), tauPArmy = double(0),
+                  tauI = double(0), tauC = double(0), tauR = double(0),
+                  tauRot = double(0), tauH = double(0),
+                  tauHArmy = double(0), pHuntY = double(0), pTest = double(0),
+                  nNeigh = double(1), neighVec = double(1),
+                  neighStart = double(1), neighEnd = double(1),
+                  seperatedByFence = double(1), # Must be same length as neighVec
+                  omegaFence = double(0),
+                  tFence = double(0, default=1E6),
+                  lNeighVec = integer(0),
+                  inHuntZone = double(1),
+                  ## probNeighAS = double(0),
+                  weightTauAHome = double(0),
+                  weightTauAAway = double(0),
+                  radiusActiveSearch = integer(0),
+                  tDelayActiveSearch = integer(0),
+                  decayTauA = double(0) ) {
+    # Indices for states
+    S             = 1
+    E             = 2
+    I             = 3
+    R             = 4
+    C             = 5
+    Rot           = 6
+    Hu            = 7
+    Hneg          = 8  # NT in docs
+    Hpos          = 9  # PT in docs
+    Sa            = 10 # AS in docs
+    Sp            = 11 # PS in docs
+    nStates       = 11
+    obState1      = nStates - nObsStates + 1
+    obState4      = nStates
+    zero4Obs      = nimNumeric(value=0, length=nObsStates)
+    nReturnStates = nObsStates + returnI
+    # Indices for rates - individual
+    S_Infection   = 1
+    S_HuntTestNeg = 2
+    S_HuntUntest  = 3
+    E_Incubation  = 4
+    E_HuntTestPos = 5
+    E_HuntUntest  = 6
+    I_Recover     = 7
+    I_HuntTestPos = 8
+    I_HuntUntest  = 9
+    I_Death       = 10
+    C_Rot         = 11
+    C_DetActive   = 12
+    C_DetPassive  = 13
+    nRates        = 13
+    # Indices for rates - vector
+    iSrates = 1:3
+    iErates = 4:6
+    iIrates = 7:10
+    iCrates = 11:13
+    iSmin   = 1
+    iSmax   = 3
+    iEmin   = 4
+    iEmax   = 6
+    iImin   = 7
+    iImax   = 10
+    iCmin   = 11
+    iCmax   = 13
+    ## Establish
+    dtDynamics1 = 1.0                      # Resolution of discretisation of dynamic process
+    dtDynamics  = abs(ceiling(tIntro) - tIntro) # Duration of process in first time step only
+    if (dtDynamics==0)
+      dtDynamics = dtDynamics1
+    nTimeChunks        = nTimeChunksPlus1 - 1
+    tStop              = nTimeChunks * stepsPerChunk * dtDynamics1 # stepsPerChunk is nb. time-steps per chunk
+    tFence1            = round(tFence + 1) ## Fence takes effect on day after completion date.
+    tStopMinusDelay    = tStop - tDelayActiveSearch
+    ## breaks = nimInteger(length=nTimeChunks)
+    ## for (br in 1:nTimeChunks)
+    ##   breaks[br] = br * stepsPerChunk
+    ## breaks = c(0, breaks)
+    breaks = nimInteger(length=nTimeChunksPlus1)
+    for (br in 1:nTimeChunksPlus1)
+      breaks[br] = (br-1) * stepsPerChunk
+    ## Identify location (hexagon) of initial carcass
+    distIntro = nimNumeric(length=nPops)
+    for (pop in 1:nPops) {
+      distIntro[pop] = sqrt((xIntro-xCentroid[pop])^2 + (yIntro-yCentroid[pop])^2)
+    }
+    hexIntro = which(distIntro[1:nPops]==min(distIntro[1:nPops])) ### nimPrint("hexIntro=",hexIntro)
+    ## Initialise arrays for dynamics
+    obs                 = nimArray(value=0, dim=c(nReturnStates, nTimeChunksPlus1, nPops))
+    states              = nimMatrix(value=0, nrow=nStates, ncol=nPops)
+    pStates             = nimMatrix(value=0, nrow=nStates, ncol=nPops)
+    tauA_matrix         = nimMatrix(value=0, nrow=nPops, ncol=tStop) ### Index columns with max(t, 1) to acount for t<1
+    dStates             = nimNumeric(value=0, length=nStates)
+    rates               = nimNumeric(value=0, length=nRates)
+    vecLeave            = nimNumeric(value=0, length=nRates)
+    tauA_local          = 0
+    states[C, hexIntro] = 1
+    fenceInducedConnectivityReduction = nimNumeric(value=0, length=lNeighVec)
+    ## Estimate expected boar density & sample
+    ## browser()
+    Eboar = nimNumeric(value=0, length=nPops)
+    Eboar[1:nPops] = (omega*weightF[1:nPops] + (1-omega)*weightA[1:nPops]) * areaHuntBag[1:nPops] ## / pHuntY # E[boar] * pHuntY = annual_hunting_bag
+    for (pop in 1:nPops) {
+      states[S, pop] = rpois(n=1, lambda=Eboar[pop])
+    }
+    ## Weights for being at home or at a neighbour's
+    pAway              = 1-pHome
+    pHome_x_pHome      =   pHome*pHome
+    pAway_x_pAway      =   pAway*pAway
+    pHome_x_pAway_x_2  = 2*pHome*pAway
+    pAway_x_pAway_x_2  = 2*pAway*pAway
+    nNeigh_x_nNeigh    = nimNumeric(length=nPops, value=nNeigh[1:nPops]*nNeigh[1:nPops])
+    ## Adjust tauA for home/away pixels and 1km/2km radius
+    ## i.e. the weighting affects the daily probability, not the rate.
+    tauAHome = -log(1 - weightTauAHome * (1 - exp(-tauA)))
+    tauAAway = -log(1 - weightTauAAway * (1 - exp(-tauA)))
+    ## probNeighAS_x_tauA = probNeighAS * tauA
+    ##
+    ## Dynamics
+    for (t in floor(tIntro):tStop) {
+      # Indicator to turn off/on observation processes
+      indicatorAfterDay0   = (t > 0)
+      indicatorDay0OrAfter = (t >= 0)
+      indicatorAfterDay60  = (t > tFence)
+      indicatorUpdateAS    = indicatorAfterDay0 & (t <= tStopMinusDelay) # Can do an active search before tStop+1
+      tPlusDelay           = t + tDelayActiveSearch
+      tPlus1               = t + 1
+      # Vector to scale (reduce) connectivity at fence
+      if (t == tFence1)
+        fenceInducedConnectivityReduction[1:lNeighVec] = (1 - seperatedByFence[1:lNeighVec] * omegaFence)
+      # Save state of system as in previous time step
+      pStates[1:nStates, 1:nPops] = states[1:nStates, 1:nPops] # p = previous
+      # nimPrint(sum(pStates[S, 1:nPops]), " ", sum(pStates[Hneg, 1:nPops]))
+      #
+      for (pop in 1:nPops) {
+        ## Share-cell (i.e. "contact") probabilities (determined by epsillon) between i (pop) and j (neighbour)
+        pContactIi = pHome_x_pHome + pAway_x_pAway/nNeigh[pop]
+        pContactIj = pHome_x_pAway_x_2/nNeigh[pop] + 2*pAway_x_pAway_x_2 / (nNeigh_x_nNeigh[pop]) ## Assumes all pop's neighbours have same number of neighbours as pop. This is fine if hexagons overlap the sea, and thus have zero wild boar.
+        pContactCi = pHome
+        pContactCj = pAway/nNeigh[pop]
+        ## Number of contagious neighbours
+        if ( !indicatorAfterDay60 ) { ## (t <= tFence) {
+          neighSumI = sum(pStates[I, neighVec[neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]]])
+          neighSumC = sum(pStates[C, neighVec[neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]]])
+        } else {
+          neighSumI = sum(pStates[I, neighVec[neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]]] * fenceInducedConnectivityReduction[neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]])
+          neighSumC = sum(pStates[C, neighVec[neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]]] * fenceInducedConnectivityReduction[neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]])
+        }
+        ## Set "local" versions of rates. These should account for space-time differences in things like hunting pressure, active search prob etc etc
+        flagExtraHuntingAndTesting = indicatorAfterDay60 * inHuntZone[pop]
+        additionalHuntingPressure  = flagExtraHuntingAndTesting * tauHArmy ## Will be zero unless in extra hunt zone and after day 60
+        additionalPassiveSearch    = flagExtraHuntingAndTesting * tauPArmy ## Will be zero unless in extra hunt zone and after day 60
+        tauH_local                 = tauH + additionalHuntingPressure
+        pTest_local                = pTest * indicatorAfterDay0
+        if (flagExtraHuntingAndTesting == 1)
+          pTest_local = 1.0
+        if (indicatorAfterDay0)
+          tauA_local = tauA_matrix[pop, t] * (1-flagExtraHuntingAndTesting)  # tauA
+        tauP_local = (tauP + additionalPassiveSearch) * indicatorAfterDay0
+        ## Reaction Rates
+        rates[S_Infection]   = pStates[S,pop] * ( betaI*(pContactIi*pStates[I,pop] + pContactIj*neighSumI) + betaC*(pContactCi*pStates[C,pop] + pContactCj*neighSumC) )
+        rates[E_Incubation]  = pStates[E,pop] * tauI
+        rates[I_Recover]     = pStates[I,pop] * tauR
+        rates[I_Death]       = pStates[I,pop] * tauC
+        rates[C_Rot]         = indicatorDay0OrAfter * pStates[C,pop] * tauRot ## The flag should prevent the initial carcass vanishing before infecting any other animal
+        rates[S_HuntUntest]  = pStates[S,pop] * tauH_local * (1-pTest_local)
+        rates[E_HuntUntest]  = pStates[E,pop] * tauH_local * (1-pTest_local)
+        rates[I_HuntUntest]  = pStates[I,pop] * tauH_local * (1-pTest_local)
+        rates[S_HuntTestNeg] = pStates[S,pop] * tauH_local * pTest_local
+        rates[E_HuntTestPos] = pStates[E,pop] * tauH_local * pTest_local
+        rates[I_HuntTestPos] = pStates[I,pop] * tauH_local * pTest_local
+        rates[C_DetActive]   = pStates[C,pop] * tauA_local
+        rates[C_DetPassive]  = pStates[C,pop] * tauP_local
+        # Reactions - Part 1
+        nLeaveS = rpois(n=1, lambda = dtDynamics * (rates[S_Infection]  + rates[S_HuntTestNeg] + rates[S_HuntUntest]))
+        nLeaveE = rpois(n=1, lambda = dtDynamics * (rates[E_Incubation] + rates[E_HuntTestPos] + rates[E_HuntUntest]))
+        nLeaveI = rpois(n=1, lambda = dtDynamics * (rates[I_Recover]    + rates[I_HuntTestPos] + rates[I_HuntUntest]) + rates[I_Death])
+        nLeaveC = rpois(n=1, lambda = dtDynamics * (rates[C_Rot]        + rates[C_DetActive]   + rates[C_DetPassive]))
+        nLeaveS = min(nLeaveS, pStates[S,pop])
+        nLeaveE = min(nLeaveE, pStates[E,pop])
+        nLeaveI = min(nLeaveI, pStates[I,pop])
+        nLeaveC = min(nLeaveC, pStates[C,pop])
+        ## Reactions - Part 2
+        if (nLeaveS > 0) {
+          vecLeave[iSmin:iSmax] = rmulti(1, size=nLeaveS, prob=rates[iSmin:iSmax])
+        } else {
+          vecLeave[iSmin:iSmax] = 0 * vecLeave[iSmin:iSmax]
+        }
+        if (nLeaveE > 0) {
+          vecLeave[iEmin:iEmax] = rmulti(n=1, size=nLeaveE, prob=rates[iEmin:iEmax])
+        } else {
+          vecLeave[iEmin:iEmax] = (0 * vecLeave[iEmin:iEmax])
+        }
+        if (nLeaveI > 0) {
+          vecLeave[iImin:iImax] = rmulti(n=1, size=nLeaveI, prob=rates[iImin:iImax])
+        } else {
+          vecLeave[iImin:iImax] = (0 * vecLeave[iImin:iImax])
+        }
+        if (nLeaveC > 0) {
+          vecLeave[iCmin:iCmax] = rmulti(n=1, size=nLeaveC, prob=rates[iCmin:iCmax])
+        } else {
+          vecLeave[iCmin:iCmax] = (0 * vecLeave[iCmin:iCmax])
+        }
+        ## Reactions - Part 3
+        dStates[S]    = (                       - sum(vecLeave[iSmin:iSmax]) )
+        dStates[E]    = (vecLeave[S_Infection]  - sum(vecLeave[iEmin:iEmax]) )
+        dStates[I]    = (vecLeave[E_Incubation] - sum(vecLeave[iImin:iImax]) )
+        dStates[R]    = (vecLeave[I_Recover] )
+        dStates[C]    = (vecLeave[I_Death]      - sum(vecLeave[iCmin:iCmax]))
+        dStates[Rot]  = (vecLeave[C_Rot] )
+        dStates[Hneg] = (vecLeave[S_HuntTestNeg] )
+        dStates[Hpos] = (vecLeave[I_HuntTestPos] + vecLeave[E_HuntTestPos])
+        dStates[Hu]   = (vecLeave[S_HuntUntest]  + vecLeave[E_HuntUntest] + vecLeave[I_HuntUntest])
+        dStates[Sa]   = (vecLeave[C_DetActive] )
+        dStates[Sp]   = (vecLeave[C_DetPassive] )
+        ## Update states
+        pStates[(nStates-nObsStates)+(1:nObsStates),pop] = zero4Obs[1:nObsStates] ## Set observation states to zero so that they do not accumulate in next step
+        states[1:nStates,pop] = pStates[1:nStates,pop] + dStates[1:nStates]
+        ## Update tauA_matrix
+        if (indicatorUpdateAS & (dStates[Hpos] + dStates[Sa] + dStates[Sp] > 0)) {
+          # Then an active search will start in 3 days (delay for test) + 7 days (fixed delay for organising search in simulated data)
+          tauA_matrix[pop, tPlus1]     = decayTauA * tauA_matrix[pop, t]
+          tauA_matrix[pop, tPlusDelay] = tauAHome
+          for (ii in neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]) {
+            iNeigh = neighVec[ii]
+            tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay] = min(tauAHome, tauAAway + tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay])
+          }
+        }
+      } # End loop on pop
+      if (indicatorDay0OrAfter) {
+        iChunk = min(which(t<=breaks))
+        obs[1:nObsStates, iChunk, 1:nPops] = obs[1:nObsStates, iChunk, 1:nPops] + states[(nStates-nObsStates)+(1:nObsStates), 1:nPops]
+        if (returnI) {
+          obs[nReturnStates, iChunk, 1:nPops] = obs[nReturnStates, iChunk, 1:nPops] + states[I, 1:nPops]
+        }
+      }
+      dtDynamics = dtDynamics1 # Sets dt for all subsequent time steps
+    } # End loop on t
+    if (returnI) {
+      obs[nReturnStates, 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops] = obs[nReturnStates, 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops] / stepsPerChunk ## Return expected value of I over each chunk
+    }
+    returnType(double(3))
+    return(obs[1:nReturnStates, 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops])
+  }
diff --git a/nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R b/nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9568e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# source(here::here("nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R"))
+# rm(list=ls())
+# This script jumps through MCMC output and generates weighted means & stdevs of the simulations
+## Set directories and MCMC output file ####
+## help.start()
+(modelDir = here::here("nimble/model9")) # For selecting model version
+(mcmcDir  = paste0(modelDir,"/MCMC4"))   # For selecting samples.csv. Can be a symbolic link to a different directory if simualtion code is more recent that estimation code (e.g. fence added since MCMC).
+(simDir   = paste0(mcmcDir,"/sims"))     # For selecting model version
+# setwd(mcmcDir)
+mcmcFile   = paste0(mcmcDir,"/samples.csv")  ## Assumed to be parameters
+mcmcFile2  = paste0(mcmcDir,"/samples2.csv") ## Assumed to be posterior log-likelihoods
+## modelInitialisationFile = paste0("../", dir("../")[grep("initialisation_model", dir("../"))])
+if (!file.exists(simDir))
+  system(paste("mkdir", simDir))
+radiusActiveSearch = 1 # 1
+## Build the models ####
+reBuildModels = TRUE # FALSE
+if (reBuildModels) {
+  setwd(modelDir)
+  source(here::here("src/packages.R"))
+  source(here::here("src/functions.R"))
+  source(here::here("nimble/nimbleFunctions.R"))
+  source(paste0(modelDir, "/model_definition.R"))     # THIS ONLY LOADS FUNCTIONS (WRITEN FOR DRAKE), NOT THE ACTUAL VALUES
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Choose which model to use - all hexagons or a subset ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  loadd(admin,
+        bboxAll,
+        fence,
+        huntZone,
+        hexAll,
+        hexCentroidsAll,
+        weightTauAHome1km,
+        weightTauAAway1km,
+        weightTauAHome2km,
+        weightTauAAway2km,
+        #probNeighAS1km,
+        #probNeighAS2km,
+        outbreaks,
+        pig_sites,
+        stepsPerChunkAll,
+        wildBoarArrayAll,  # observations aggregated over one day intervals, hexagons cover whole island
+        wildBoarObsAll)
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Initial values and constants ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  tStopAll          = 140 ## For 30 day prediction beyond day 80
+  initWildboarAll   = setWildBoarModelInitialValues(wbArray4sim   = wildBoarArrayAll,
+                                                    wildBoarObs   = wildBoarObsAll,
+                                                    stepsPerChunk = stepsPerChunkAll,
+                                                    bboxAll       = bboxAll,
+                                                    tStop         = tStopAll,
+                                                    returnI       = TRUE)
+  constWildboarAll  = setWildBoarModelConstants(wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArrayAll,
+                                                Hex                = hexAll,
+                                                HexCentroids       = hexCentroidsAll,
+                                                Outbreaks          = outbreaks,
+                                                stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkAll,
+                                                bboxAll            = bboxAll,
+                                                tStop              = tStopAll,
+                                                weightTauAHome1km = weightTauAHome1km,
+                                                weightTauAAway1km = weightTauAAway1km,
+                                                weightTauAHome2km = weightTauAHome2km,
+                                                weightTauAAway2km = weightTauAAway2km,
+                                                ## probNeighAS1km  = probNeighAS1km,
+                                                ## probNeighAS2km  = probNeighAS2km,
+                                                returnI            = TRUE)
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Build R model ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  rWildBoarModelAll = nimbleModel(bugsBoarCode,
+                                  constants=constWildboarAll,
+                                  inits=initWildboarAll,
+                                  calculate = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
+  rModel4MV = nimbleModel(bugsCode4MV) ## So we can make a modelValues without the huge obsY array
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Useful node sets ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  detNodes      = rWildBoarModelAll$getNodeNames(determOnly=TRUE)
+  obsNodes      = sub("\\[.*","",detNodes[grep("obsY", detNodes)])
+  detNodesNoObs =                detNodes[grep("obsY", detNodes, invert=TRUE)]
+  stochNodes    = rWildBoarModelAll$getNodeNames(stochOnly=TRUE)
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Ensure determined Nodes are initialised ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  simulate(rWildBoarModelAll, detNodesNoObs)
+  for (dn in 1:length(detNodesNoObs))
+    nimPrint(detNodesNoObs[dn], " ", rWildBoarModelAll[[detNodesNoObs[dn]]])
+  for (sn in 1:length(stochNodes))
+    nimPrint(stochNodes[sn], " ", rWildBoarModelAll[[stochNodes[sn]]])
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Compile model & initialise deterministic nodes ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  cWildBoarModelAll = compileNimble(rWildBoarModelAll, showCompilerOutput = TRUE) # FALSE
+  cWildBoarModelAll$radiusActiveSearch <- radiusActiveSearch
+  simulate(cWildBoarModelAll, detNodesNoObs)
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  ## Set Dimension Constants ####
+  ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  nReturnTypes = dim(cWildBoarModelAll$obsY)[1]
+  nObsDays     = dim(wildBoarArrayAll)[2]
+  nPops        = dim(wildBoarArrayAll)[3]
+  nSimDays     = dim(cWildBoarModelAll$obsY)[2]
+  nObsStates   = nReturnTypes - constWildboarAll$returnI
+  iInfectious  = nReturnTypes  # Index for infectious wild boar in the output array
+## Load MCMC mcmcSamples and (optionally) remove burnin ####
+mcmcSamples  = read.table(file=mcmcFile,  header = TRUE)
+mcmcSamples2 = read.table(file=mcmcFile2, header = TRUE) # Assumed to be posterior likelihood
+if (FALSE) { # TRUE
+  (burnin      <- firstSampleAboveMean(as.numeric(mcmcSamples2[,1])))
+  mcmcSamples  <- mcmcSamples[-(1:burnin),]
+  mcmcSamples2 <- mcmcSamples2[-(1:burnin),]
+nimPrint("Effective sample size: ", effectiveSize(mcmcSamples))
+if (FALSE) { # TRUE
+  trajectoriesPDF = TRUE # FALSE
+  # mcmcSamples     = mcmcSamples[!mcmcSamples$log_beta==0,] ## Filters out non-samples where I stopped the MCMC
+  if (trajectoriesPDF)
+    pdf(file=paste0(mcmcDir, "/trajectories.pdf"))
+  plot(as.mcmc(mcmcSamples))
+  if (trajectoriesPDF)
+  dim(mcmcSamples)
+## Setup simulator ####
+rSimFromMCMC <- setupSimFromMCMC(model       = rWildBoarModelAll,
+                                 model4MV    = rModel4MV,
+                                 obsYNode    = "obsY",
+                                 obsY        = wildBoarArrayAll,
+                                 mcmcSamples = mcmcSamples)
+cSimFromMCMC <- compileNimble(rSimFromMCMC)
+## To recover original data in obsY
+## nimCopy(from=rWildBoarModelAll, to=cWildBoarModelAll, nodes="obsY")
+## Run simulations ####
+nSim                = 10000 # 5000
+iObs                = 2:4 # Indices for the 3 +ve observation types - eventually this will be replaced by an index for compartment I (and possibly C)
+tFence              = 60
+flagFence           = c(1, 0) ## if 0 -> set omegaFence to 0
+flagHuntZone        = c(1, 0) ## if 0 -> set log_tauHArmy to -Inf (if it can handle it)
+radiusAS            = c(1,2)
+(scenarios          = expand.grid(flagFence=flagFence, flagHuntZone=flagHuntZone, radiusAS=radiusAS))
+nScenarios          = nrow(scenarios)
+scenarioList        = vector("list", nScenarios)
+### for (scenario in 1:nScenarios) { # scenario=1
+for (scenario in SCENARIO) { # scenario=1
+  nimPrint("################ Scenario=", scenario, " ################")
+  nimPrint(mcmcDir)
+  #####################
+  ## Simulate epidemics
+  #####################
+  mySims <- cSimFromMCMC$run(nSim, flagFence=scenarios[scenario,"flagFence"], flagHuntZone=scenarios[scenario,"flagHuntZone"], radiusAS=scenarios[scenario,"radiusAS"])
+  ##### Plot Maps #####
+  scenarioList[[scenario]] <- mySims
+  fileNames = c("Mean", "stDev", "MeanW", "stDevW", "Best")
+  for(day in seq(60, 140, by=20)) { # day=80
+    nimPrint(day)
+    for (iOut in 1:5) {
+      fileName = fileNames[iOut]
+      mapInfectiousDayX(mySims[iOut,,], Hex=hexAll,
+                        Admin = admin %>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
+                        Day=day, outputDir=simDir,
+                        fileName=paste0(fileName, "_sims",nSim, "_scenario", scenario,"_d",day),
+                        StepsPerChunk=1, Fence=fence, HuntZone=huntZone,
+                        pig_sites=pig_sites,
+                        Outbreaks=outbreaks, caption=fileNames[iOut])
+    }
+  }
+  ##### Write output to files #####
+  (scenariosString = paste0(c("Fence", "Army","Radius"), scenarios[scenario,], collapse="_"))
+  for (iOut in 1:5) {
+    write.table(mySims[iOut,,],
+                col.names=FALSE,
+                row.names = paste0("D",(1:nrow(mySims[iOut,,]))-1),
+                file = paste0(simDir,"/",fileNames[iOut], "_", scenariosString, "_nSim", nSim, ".csv"))
+  }
+## (simFile = paste0(simDir, "/sims_nSim",nSim,"_scenario",SCENARIO,".Rdata"))
+## save(SCENARIO,
+##      scenarios,
+##      scenarioList,
+##      admin,
+##      bboxAll,
+##      fence,
+##      hexAll,
+##      hexCentroidsAll,
+##      outbreaks,
+##      pig_sites,
+##      stepsPerChunkAll,
+##      wildBoarArrayAll,
+##      wildBoarObsAll,
+##      mapInfectiousDayX,
+##      radiusActiveSearch,
+##      file=simFile)
+## Write scenariosList as a series of files
+## load(simFile)
+## 02h58
+## Sys.time()

From a7860446e10d4b90c4ba7238fb7efab2e047f9d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 11:44:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/9] Reverting model9 to it's form on the huntZone branch,
 i.e. how we've used it.

 nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R    | 39 +++++++++++-----------------
 nimble/model9/model_definition.R     | 37 +++++++-------------------
 nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R | 39 ++++++++++------------------
 src/plan.R                           |  7 +++--
 4 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R b/nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R
index dcf581d..7526683 100644
--- a/nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R
+++ b/nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R
@@ -40,12 +40,8 @@ loadd(admin,
-      weightTauAHome1km,
-      weightTauAAway1km,
-      weightTauAHome2km,
-      weightTauAAway2km,
-      ## probNeighAS1km,
-      ## probNeighAS2km,
+      probNeighAS1km,
+      probNeighAS2km,
       wildBoarArraySub,  # observations aggregated over ten day intervals, hexagons restricted to 20km buffer
@@ -56,24 +52,19 @@ loadd(admin,
 ## Initial values and constants ####
 tStopSub <- 80
-initWildboarSub  <- setWildBoarModelInitialValues(wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArraySub,
-                                                  wildBoarObs        = wildBoarObsSub,
-                                                  stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkSub,
-                                                  bboxAll            = bboxAll) # For fitting MUST OMIT tStop ARGUMENT
-constWildboarSub <- setWildBoarModelConstants    (wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArraySub,
-                                                  Hex                = hexSub,
-                                                  HexCentroids       = hexCentroidsSub,
-                                                  Outbreaks          = outbreaks,
-                                                  stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkSub,
-                                                  bboxAll            = bboxAll,
-                                                  tStop              = tStopSub,
-                                                  weightTauAHome1km  = weightTauAHome1km,
-                                                  weightTauAAway1km  = weightTauAAway1km,
-                                                  weightTauAHome2km  = weightTauAHome2km,
-                                                  weightTauAAway2km  = weightTauAAway2km)
-                                                  # probNeighAS1km = probNeighAS1km,
-                                                  # probNeighAS2km = probNeighAS2km
+initWildboarSub  <- setWildBoarModelInitialValues(wbArray4sim   = wildBoarArraySub,
+                                                  wildBoarObs   = wildBoarObsSub,
+                                                  stepsPerChunk = stepsPerChunkSub,
+                                                  bboxAll       = bboxAll) # For fitting MUST OMIT tStop ARGUMENT
+constWildboarSub <- setWildBoarModelConstants    (wbArray4sim   = wildBoarArraySub,
+                                                  Hex           = hexSub,
+                                                  HexCentroids  = hexCentroidsSub,
+                                                  Outbreaks     = outbreaks,
+                                                  stepsPerChunk = stepsPerChunkSub,
+                                                  bboxAll       = bboxAll,
+                                                  tStop         = tStopSub,
+                                                  probNeighAS1km = probNeighAS1km,
+                                                  probNeighAS2km = probNeighAS2km)
 ## Build R model ####
diff --git a/nimble/model9/model_definition.R b/nimble/model9/model_definition.R
index 42d9a2e..31af076 100644
--- a/nimble/model9/model_definition.R
+++ b/nimble/model9/model_definition.R
@@ -58,9 +58,7 @@ bugsBoarCode = nimbleCode({
   pRadius[1] <- 1.0
   pRadius[2] <- 0.0
   radiusActiveSearch ~ dcat(pRadius[1:2])  # Can set node value to either 1 or 2 in R code, to switch between two fixed parameters
-  ## probNeighAS <- probNeighAS1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + probNeighAS2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
-  weightTauAHome <- weightTauAHome1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + weightTauAHome2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
-  weightTauAAway <- weightTauAAway1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + weightTauAAway2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
+  probNeighAS <- probNeighAS1km * (radiusActiveSearch==1) + probNeighAS2km * (radiusActiveSearch==2)
   ## Observed &/or Simulated Data
   obsY[1:(nObsStates + returnI), 1:nTimeChunksPlus1, 1:nPops] <- simulateObservations(
     tIntro = tIntro, xIntro = xIntro, yIntro = yIntro,
@@ -75,19 +73,14 @@ bugsBoarCode = nimbleCode({
     neighStart = neighStart[1:nPops], neighEnd = neighEnd[1:nPops],
     seperatedByFence = seperatedByFence[1:lNeighVec],
     omegaFence = omegaFence, tFence = tFence, lNeighVec = lNeighVec,
-    inHuntZone = inHuntZone[1:nPops],
-    # probNeighAS = probNeighAS,
-    weightTauAHome = weightTauAHome,
-    weightTauAAway = weightTauAAway,
-    radiusActiveSearch = radiusActiveSearch,
+    inHuntZone = inHuntZone[1:nPops], probNeighAS = probNeighAS,
     tDelayActiveSearch = tDelayActiveSearch, decayTauA = decayTauA)
   # For monitor2
   loglik <- 0
-setWildBoarModelConstants <- function (wbArray4sim, Hex, HexCentroids, Outbreaks, stepsPerChunk, bboxAll, tStop, returnI=FALSE,
-                                       weightTauAHome1km, weightTauAAway1km, weightTauAHome2km, weightTauAAway2km) { ## probNeighAS1km, probNeighAS2km
+setWildBoarModelConstants <- function (wbArray4sim, Hex, HexCentroids, Outbreaks, stepsPerChunk, bboxAll, tStop, returnI=FALSE, probNeighAS1km, probNeighAS2km) {
   ## wbArray4sim - an element of {wildBoarArrayAll, wildBoarArraySub}
   xlims = bboxAll[c("xmin","xmax")]
   ylims = bboxAll[c("ymin","ymax")]
@@ -124,12 +117,8 @@ setWildBoarModelConstants <- function (wbArray4sim, Hex, HexCentroids, Outbreaks
     yMax             = ylims[2],
     seperatedByFence = attributes(Hex)$seperatedByFence,
     inHuntZone       = 1.0 * Hex$inHuntZone,
-    weightTauAHome1km = weightTauAHome1km,
-    weightTauAAway1km = weightTauAAway1km,
-    weightTauAHome2km = weightTauAHome2km,
-    weightTauAAway2km = weightTauAAway2km
-    ## probNeighAS1km   = probNeighAS1km,
-    ## probNeighAS2km   = probNeighAS2km
+    probNeighAS1km   = probNeighAS1km,
+    probNeighAS2km   = probNeighAS2km
     ## x0            = as.double((Outbreaks %>% filter(DATE.SUSP==0) %>% st_coordinates())[1,"X"]), # X coordinate of first observed infected farm
     ## y0            = as.double((Outbreaks %>% filter(DATE.SUSP==0) %>% st_coordinates())[1,"Y"])  # Y coordinate of first observed infected farm
@@ -212,10 +201,7 @@ simulateObservations = nimbleFunction (
                   tFence = double(0, default=1E6),
                   lNeighVec = integer(0),
                   inHuntZone = double(1),
-                  ## probNeighAS = double(0),
-                  weightTauAHome = double(0),
-                  weightTauAAway = double(0),
-                  radiusActiveSearch = integer(0),
+                  probNeighAS = double(0),
                   tDelayActiveSearch = integer(0),
                   decayTauA = double(0) ) {
     # Indices for states
@@ -310,12 +296,7 @@ simulateObservations = nimbleFunction (
     pHome_x_pAway_x_2  = 2*pHome*pAway
     pAway_x_pAway_x_2  = 2*pAway*pAway
     nNeigh_x_nNeigh    = nimNumeric(length=nPops, value=nNeigh[1:nPops]*nNeigh[1:nPops])
-    ## Adjust tauA for home/away pixels and 1km/2km radius
-    ## i.e. the weighting affects the daily probability, not the rate.
-    tauAHome = -log(1 - weightTauAHome * (1 - exp(-tauA)))
-    tauAAway = -log(1 - weightTauAAway * (1 - exp(-tauA)))
-    ## probNeighAS_x_tauA = probNeighAS * tauA
-    ##
+    probNeighAS_x_tauA = probNeighAS * tauA
     ## Dynamics
     for (t in floor(tIntro):tStop) {
       # Indicator to turn off/on observation processes
@@ -420,10 +401,10 @@ simulateObservations = nimbleFunction (
         if (indicatorUpdateAS & (dStates[Hpos] + dStates[Sa] + dStates[Sp] > 0)) {
           # Then an active search will start in 3 days (delay for test) + 7 days (fixed delay for organising search in simulated data)
           tauA_matrix[pop, tPlus1]     = decayTauA * tauA_matrix[pop, t]
-          tauA_matrix[pop, tPlusDelay] = tauAHome
+          tauA_matrix[pop, tPlusDelay] = tauA
           for (ii in neighStart[pop]:neighEnd[pop]) {
             iNeigh = neighVec[ii]
-            tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay] = min(tauAHome, tauAAway + tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay])
+            tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay] = min(tauA, probNeighAS_x_tauA + tauA_matrix[iNeigh, tPlusDelay])
       } # End loop on pop
diff --git a/nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R b/nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
index 1c9568e..087628a 100644
--- a/nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
+++ b/nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # source(here::here("nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R"))
 # rm(list=ls())
 # This script jumps through MCMC output and generates weighted means & stdevs of the simulations
@@ -43,12 +43,8 @@ if (reBuildModels) {
-        weightTauAHome1km,
-        weightTauAAway1km,
-        weightTauAHome2km,
-        weightTauAAway2km,
-        #probNeighAS1km,
-        #probNeighAS2km,
+        probNeighAS1km,
+        probNeighAS2km,
@@ -64,20 +60,16 @@ if (reBuildModels) {
                                                     bboxAll       = bboxAll,
                                                     tStop         = tStopAll,
                                                     returnI       = TRUE)
-  constWildboarAll  = setWildBoarModelConstants(wbArray4sim        = wildBoarArrayAll,
-                                                Hex                = hexAll,
-                                                HexCentroids       = hexCentroidsAll,
-                                                Outbreaks          = outbreaks,
-                                                stepsPerChunk      = stepsPerChunkAll,
-                                                bboxAll            = bboxAll,
-                                                tStop              = tStopAll,
-                                                weightTauAHome1km = weightTauAHome1km,
-                                                weightTauAAway1km = weightTauAAway1km,
-                                                weightTauAHome2km = weightTauAHome2km,
-                                                weightTauAAway2km = weightTauAAway2km,
-                                                ## probNeighAS1km  = probNeighAS1km,
-                                                ## probNeighAS2km  = probNeighAS2km,
-                                                returnI            = TRUE)
+  constWildboarAll  = setWildBoarModelConstants(wbArray4sim    = wildBoarArrayAll,
+                                                Hex            = hexAll,
+                                                HexCentroids   = hexCentroidsAll,
+                                                Outbreaks      = outbreaks,
+                                                stepsPerChunk  = stepsPerChunkAll,
+                                                bboxAll        = bboxAll,
+                                                tStop          = tStopAll,
+                                                probNeighAS1km = probNeighAS1km,
+                                                probNeighAS2km = probNeighAS2km,
+                                                returnI        = TRUE)
   ## Build R model ####
@@ -224,7 +216,4 @@ for (scenario in SCENARIO) { # scenario=1
 ## Write scenariosList as a series of files
 ## load(simFile)
-## 02h58
-## Sys.time()
+## probNeighAS = probNeighAS1km
diff --git a/src/plan.R b/src/plan.R
index 54b90d4..04e9415 100644
--- a/src/plan.R
+++ b/src/plan.R
@@ -598,12 +598,15 @@ plan <- drake_plan(
   innerOuterAreas2km  = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=2000, resolution=100)
+  ## New weighting for model10
   weightTauAHome1km = 1, ## innerOuterAreas1km[1]/innerOuterAreas1km[1]
   weightTauAAway1km = innerOuterAreas1km[2] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
   weightTauAHome2km = innerOuterAreas2km[1] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
   weightTauAAway2km = innerOuterAreas2km[2] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
-  ## probNeighAS2km =
-  ## probNeighAS1km =
+  ## Old weighting for model9 (and previous).
+  probNeighAS1km = weightTauAAway1km,
+  probNeighAS2km = weightTauAAway2km,
   ## hexWhat = st_make_grid(hexTiny, n=1, cellsize = cellSize + 1000, square = FALSE, offset = c(0, 0))
   ## hexWhat = st_make_grid(HexCenter, n=1, cellsize = cellSize + 1000, square = FALSE, offset = c(0, 0))

From 9ab5319380c25d5d4937678af20812cc6e0c2456 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 11:55:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/9] Importing some changes on branch improved_active_search.

 .gitignore      |  2 --
 src/functions.R | 12 ++++++++----
 src/plan.R      | 14 ++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index cfe85aa..49c5781 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ List of transmission pathways and risks.docx
diff --git a/src/functions.R b/src/functions.R
index 208e9c1..80ede0b 100644
--- a/src/functions.R
+++ b/src/functions.R
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ makeHexTiny <- function(HexAll, CellSize) { # HexAll=hexAll; CellSize=cellSize
-sampleProbActive <- function(HexTiny, CellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=10) { # HexTiny=hexTiny; CellSize=cellSize
+sampleProbActive <- function(HexTiny, CellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=100) { # HexTiny=hexTiny; CellSize=cellSize
     radiusM   <- set_units(radiusInM, m)
     centroids <- st_centroid(HexTiny) %>% st_geometry()
     distMat   <- st_distance(centroids, centroids)
@@ -1412,9 +1412,10 @@ sampleProbActive <- function(HexTiny, CellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=10) {
     HexCenter <- HexTiny[iCenter,] %>% st_geometry()
     HexOuter  <- st_difference(HexTiny, HexCenter) %>% select(geometry)
-    delta         <- CellSize * 0.6
+    delta     <- CellSize * 0.6
     grid = st_make_grid(HexCenter, cellsize = resolution, square = FALSE, offset = c(0, 0))
+    ## plot(HexTiny[,1])
     ## plot(grid, add=TRUE, col="blue")
     dGrid      <- data.frame(id=1:length(grid)) # data.frame(id=1:length(grid))
     dGrid$geometry = grid # grid
@@ -1434,8 +1435,11 @@ sampleProbActive <- function(HexTiny, CellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=10) {
     sumOuter <- overlapsOuter %>% st_area() %>% sum()
     sumInner <- overlapsInner %>% st_area() %>% sum()
-    (proportionActiveSearchInOneNeighbour <- sumOuter / sumInner)
-    return(proportionActiveSearchInOneNeighbour)
+    ## Original output
+    ## (proportionActiveSearchInOneNeighbour <- sumOuter / sumInner)
+    ## return(proportionActiveSearchInOneNeighbour)
+    ## New output
+    return(c(sumInner, sumOuter))
diff --git a/src/plan.R b/src/plan.R
index 1765609..04e9415 100644
--- a/src/plan.R
+++ b/src/plan.R
@@ -593,11 +593,21 @@ plan <- drake_plan(
   ## They integrate over all possible locations (within the central hexagon) for an Active Search centroid AND over all possible locations visited by the active search
   ## This provides a weight for the strength of an active search in a pixel that does not containing the active search centroid (i.e. a neighbour)
   ## These weights will be added as constants in model8 to reduce bias from the current (false) assumption that the active search is globally homogeneous
-  probNeighAS1km = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=100)
+  innerOuterAreas1km = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=1000, resolution=100)
-  probNeighAS2km = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=2000, resolution=100)
+  innerOuterAreas2km  = sampleProbActive(hexTiny, cellSize, radiusInM=2000, resolution=100)
+  ## New weighting for model10
+  weightTauAHome1km = 1, ## innerOuterAreas1km[1]/innerOuterAreas1km[1]
+  weightTauAAway1km = innerOuterAreas1km[2] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
+  weightTauAHome2km = innerOuterAreas2km[1] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
+  weightTauAAway2km = innerOuterAreas2km[2] / innerOuterAreas1km[1],
+  ## Old weighting for model9 (and previous).
+  probNeighAS1km = weightTauAAway1km,
+  probNeighAS2km = weightTauAAway2km,
   ## hexWhat = st_make_grid(hexTiny, n=1, cellsize = cellSize + 1000, square = FALSE, offset = c(0, 0))
   ## hexWhat = st_make_grid(HexCenter, n=1, cellsize = cellSize + 1000, square = FALSE, offset = c(0, 0))
   ## hexWhat <- hexWhat[1,]

From f0c9c7a35d14f6da7656f3e0aceb0605f2ae742f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 12:04:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 5/9] Updating file path names in model10 (i.e. changing 9s to

 ...itWildBoarModel9.R => fitWildBoarModel10.R} | 18 +++++++++---------
 nimble/model10/model_definition.R              |  5 -----
 ...BoarFromMCMC9.R => simWildBoarFromMCMC10.R} |  8 ++++----
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 rename nimble/model10/{fitWildBoarModel9.R => fitWildBoarModel10.R} (97%)
 rename nimble/model10/{simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R => simWildBoarFromMCMC10.R} (95%)

diff --git a/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel9.R b/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
similarity index 97%
rename from nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel9.R
rename to nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
index dcf581d..7842bd4 100644
--- a/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel9.R
+++ b/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# source(here::here("nimble/model9/fitWildBoarModel9.R"))
+# source(here::here("nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R"))
 # rm(list=ls())
-iNSim = 4
+iNSim = 1
 # drake::r_make()            # TO UPDATE INIT AND CONST
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ options(width=1000)
 ## nimPrint("iAttractI=",iAttractI, " logit(attractI)=",logit_attractI)
-(baseDir <- here::here("nimble/model9"))
+(baseDir <- here::here("nimble/model10"))
 ## (mcmcDir <- paste0(baseDir, "/MCMC_lpAI",logit_attractI))
-nSimVec  = c(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000)
+nSimVec  = c(500)
 nSim     = nSimVec[iNSim]
 (mcmcDir = paste0(baseDir, paste0("/MCMC",1:length(nSimVec))[iNSim])) ## "/MCMC2"))
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ if (TRUE) { # FALSE
         nimPrint(tenDayChunk, " ", iCol)
         mapInfectiousDayX(t(rWildBoarModelSub$obsY[iCol,,]), Hex=hexSub,
                           Admin=admin%>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
-                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/checks",
+                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model10/checks",
                           fileName=paste0("check_chunk", tenDayChunk, "_", fNames[iCol], "_data"),
                           StepsPerChunk=10, Fence=fence, pig_sites=pig_sites, Outbreaks=outbreaks)
         mapInfectiousDayX(t(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[iCol,,]), Hex=hexSub,
                           Admin=admin%>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
-                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/checks",
+                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model10/checks",
                           fileName=paste0("chunk", tenDayChunk, "_", fNames[iCol], "_sim"),
                           StepsPerChunk=10, Fence=fence, pig_sites=pig_sites, Outbreaks=outbreaks)
@@ -339,12 +339,12 @@ for (iRun in 1:100) { # iRun=1
         nimPrint(tenDayChunk, " ", iCol)
         mapInfectiousDayX(t(wildBoarArraySub[iCol,,]), Hex=hexSub,
                           Admin=admin%>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
-                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/checks",
+                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model10/checks",
                           fileName=paste0("chunk", tenDayChunk, "_", fNames[iCol], "_data"),
                           StepsPerChunk=10, Fence=fence, pig_sites=pig_sites, Outbreaks=outbreaks)
         mapInfectiousDayX(t(cWildBoarModelSub$obsY[iCol,,]), Hex=hexSub,
                           Admin=admin%>%filter(is.element(rowAdmin, c(6,9,11,22))),
-                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/checks",
+                          Day=tenDayChunk, outputDir="/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model10/checks",
                           fileName=paste0("chunk", tenDayChunk, "_", fNames[iCol], "_sim"),
                           StepsPerChunk=10, Fence=fence, pig_sites=pig_sites, Outbreaks=outbreaks)
diff --git a/nimble/model10/model_definition.R b/nimble/model10/model_definition.R
index 42d9a2e..c0cd628 100644
--- a/nimble/model10/model_definition.R
+++ b/nimble/model10/model_definition.R
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-## TO-DO
-## - visualise relation between passive and active search
-## - adapt to hexagonal grid
 bugsCode4MV = nimbleCode({
   logit(scTIntro)   ~ dLogitBeta(7, 7)         # Introduction date (on 0:1)
   logit(pIntroX)    ~ dLogitBeta(1, 1)         # Introduction location relative to bounding box of whole island
diff --git a/nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R b/nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC10.R
similarity index 95%
rename from nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
rename to nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC10.R
index 1c9568e..0fe181f 100644
--- a/nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R
+++ b/nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC10.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# source(here::here("nimble/model9/simWildBoarFromMCMC9.R"))
+# source(here::here("nimble/model10/simWildBoarFromMCMC10.R"))
 # rm(list=ls())
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ SCENARIO <- 1
 ## help.start()
-(modelDir = here::here("nimble/model9")) # For selecting model version
-(mcmcDir  = paste0(modelDir,"/MCMC4"))   # For selecting samples.csv. Can be a symbolic link to a different directory if simualtion code is more recent that estimation code (e.g. fence added since MCMC).
-(simDir   = paste0(mcmcDir,"/sims"))     # For selecting model version
+(modelDir = here::here("nimble/model10")) # For selecting model version
+(mcmcDir  = paste0(modelDir,"/MCMC1"))    # For selecting samples.csv. Can be a symbolic link to a different directory if simualtion code is more recent that estimation code (e.g. fence added since MCMC).
+(simDir   = paste0(mcmcDir,"/sims"))      # For selecting model version
 # setwd(mcmcDir)
 mcmcFile   = paste0(mcmcDir,"/samples.csv")  ## Assumed to be parameters

From e6faeb63596bddf14a42f295fda79e54f53d33b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 12:13:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 6/9] .gitignore update

 .gitignore | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index cfe85aa..49c5781 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ List of transmission pathways and risks.docx

From 749743a9576eecd57b435f150f3daf974d9b39cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 12:23:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 7/9] commit-size pearl script - shows the disk space usage of
 each commit.

 .gitignore      |  2 ++
 src/commit-size | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 src/commit-size

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 49c5781..24abd48 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ sims
diff --git a/src/commit-size b/src/commit-size
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..91323ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/commit-size
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+foreach my $rev (`git rev-list --all --pretty=oneline`) {
+  my $tot = 0;
+  ($sha = $rev) =~ s/\s.*$//;
+  foreach my $blob (`git diff-tree -r -c -M -C --no-commit-id $sha`) {
+    $blob = (split /\s/, $blob)[3];
+    next if $blob == "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; # Deleted
+    my $size = `echo $blob | git cat-file --batch-check`;
+    $size = (split /\s/, $size)[2];
+    $tot += int($size);
+  }
+  my $revn = substr($rev, 0, 40);
+#  if ($tot > 1000000) {
+    print "$tot $revn " . `git show --pretty="format:" --name-only $revn | wc -l`  ;
+#  }

From 9ce36a3a82070546f0e01efbf71b91f493aa75a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 12:50:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 8/9] Edits in fitWildBoarModel10.R

 .gitignore                          |  8 ++++++++
 nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R | 11 ++++++-----
 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 24abd48..03e9660 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -33,3 +33,11 @@ tar_*
diff --git a/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R b/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
index 7842bd4..8928b7d 100644
--- a/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
+++ b/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # source(here::here("nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R"))
-# rm(list=ls())
-iNSim = 1
+rm(list=ls()) # If sourcing this will ensure the cModel is rebuilt (needed because line 172 could be dangerous)
+iNSim = 5
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ setwd(baseDir)
 ## (mcmcDir <- paste0(baseDir, "/MCMC_lpAI",logit_attractI))
-nSimVec  = c(500)
+nSimVec  = c(500, 500, 500, 500, 500)
 nSim     = nSimVec[iNSim]
 (mcmcDir = paste0(baseDir, paste0("/MCMC",1:length(nSimVec))[iNSim])) ## "/MCMC2"))
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ stochNodes    = rWildBoarModelSub$getNodeNames(stochOnly=TRUE)
 Fixed  <- c("logit_pR", "radiusActiveSearch")
 Target <- sort(c(
-  "logit_pHuntY",
+  "logit_pHuntY",   ## Not good idea to fix this - it is too low.
@@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ if (TRUE) { # FALSE
     (rWildBoarModelSub$log_beta         <- previousSamples$log_beta)
     (iniPropCov                         <- diag(1E-3, length(Target)))
-  (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pHuntY     <- 0) # previousSamples$logit_pHuntY)
   (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pR         <- logit(0.05))
@@ -170,8 +169,10 @@ for (tt in Target) {
 ## Compile models ####
 if (is.element("cWildBoarModelSub", ls())) {
   nimCopy(from=rWildBoarModelSub, to=cWildBoarModelSub, nodes = stochNodes)
 } else {
+  nimPrint("RECOMPILING cWildBoarModelSub")
   cWildBoarModelSub = compileNimble(rWildBoarModelSub, showCompilerOutput = TRUE) # FALSE

From 0a4fbc75c571b67e59241e6f76bfaa74620b104c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:15:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 9/9] Updated paths for setting initial values in model10

 nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R | 14 +++++++-------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R b/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
index 8928b7d..91c187d 100644
--- a/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
+++ b/nimble/model10/fitWildBoarModel10.R
@@ -129,20 +129,20 @@ if (TRUE) { # FALSE
       nimPrint(Target[iTarget], " = ", rWildBoarModelSub[[Target[iTarget]]])
   } else {
-    model1SamplesFile <- "/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model1/MCMC/samples.csv"
+    model1SamplesFile <- "/home/david/asf-challenge/nimble/model9/MCMC4/samples.csv"
     nimPrint("Using ", model1SamplesFile)
     previousSamples <- read.table(file=model1SamplesFile, header = TRUE)
     previousSamples <- tail(previousSamples,1)
-    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_scTIntro   <- logit(1-(14)/100))
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_scTIntro   <- previousSamples$logit_scTIntro)
     (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pIntroX    <- previousSamples$logit_pIntroX)
     (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pIntroY    <- previousSamples$logit_pIntroY)
     (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_pHome      <- previousSamples$logit_pHome)
     (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_attractI   <- previousSamples$logit_attractI)
-    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_omegaFence <- logit(0.999))
-    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauP         <- -8) # 1 + log(exp(previousSamples$log_tauCarDet) * (1-ilogit(previousSamples$logit_pActive))))
-    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauPArmy     <- -6.6)
-    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauA         <- 2 + log(exp(previousSamples$log_tauCarDet) * ilogit(previousSamples$logit_pActive)))
-    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauHArmy     <- -3.47)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$logit_omegaFence <- previousSamples$logit_omegaFence)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauP         <- previousSamples$log_tauP)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauPArmy     <- previousSamples$log_tauPArmy)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauA         <- previousSamples$log_tauA)
+    (rWildBoarModelSub$log_tauHArmy     <- previousSamples$log_tauHArmy)
     (rWildBoarModelSub$log_beta         <- previousSamples$log_beta)
     (iniPropCov                         <- diag(1E-3, length(Target)))